Microwave-activated conditional-phase gate for superconducting qubits

  1. Jerry M. Chow,
  2. Jay M. Gambetta,
  3. Andrew W. Cross,
  4. Seth T. Merkel,
  5. Chad Rigetti,
  6. and M. Steffen
We introduce a new entangling gate between two fixed-frequency qubits statically coupled via a microwave resonator bus which combines the following desirable qualities: all-microwave control, appreciable qubit separation for reduction of crosstalk and leakage errors, and the ability to function as a two-qubit conditional-phase gate. A fixed, always-on interaction is explicitly designed between higher energy (non-computational) states of two transmon qubits, and then a conditional-phase gate is `activated‘ on the otherwise unperturbed qubit subspace via a microwave drive. We implement this microwave-activated conditional-phase gate with a fidelity from quantum process tomography of 87%.

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