Dissipation-induced perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics

  1. Nicolas Didier,
  2. Farzad Qassemi,
  3. and Alexandre Blais
Dissipation-driven quantum state engineering uses the environment to steer the state of quantum systems and preserve quantum coherence in the steady state. We show that modulating the
damping rate of a microwave resonator generates a new squeezing mechanism that creates a vacuum squeezed state of arbitrary squeezing strength, thereby allowing perfect squeezing. Given the recent experimental realizations in circuit QED of a microwave resonator with a tunable damping rate [Yin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 107001 (2013)], superconducting circuits are an ideal playground to implement this technique. By dispersively coupling a qubit to the microwave resonator, it is possible to obtain qubit-state dependent squeezing.

Detection and Manipulation of Majorana Fermions in Circuit QED

  1. Clemens Müller,
  2. Jérôme Bourassa,
  3. and Alexandre Blais
Motivated by recent experimental progress to measure and manipulate Majorana fermions with superconducting circuits, we propose a device interfacing Majorana fermions with circuit quantum
electrodynamics. The proposed circuit acts as a charge parity detector changing the resonance frequency of a superconducting \lambda/4 – resonator conditioned on the parity of charges on nearby gates. Operating at both charge and flux sweet-spots, this device is highly insensitive to environmental noise and enables high-fidelity single-shot quantum non-demolition readout of the state of a pair of Majorana fermions. Additionally, the interaction permits the realization of an arbitrary phase gate on the topological qubit, closing the loop for computational completeness. Away from the charge sweet-spot, this device can be used as a highly sensitive charge detector with a sensitivity smaller than 10^{-4} e / \sqrt{Hz} and bandwidth larger than 1 MHz.

Input-output theory for waveguide QED with an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms

  1. Kevin Lalumière,
  2. Barry C. Sanders,
  3. Arjan F. van Loo,
  4. Arkady Fedorov,
  5. Andreas Wallraff,
  6. and Alexandre Blais
We study the collective effects that emerge in waveguide quantum electrodynamics where several (artificial) atoms are coupled to a one-dimensional (1D) superconducting transmission
line. Since single microwave photons can travel without loss for a long distance along the line, real and virtual photons emitted by one atom can be reabsorbed or scattered by a second atom. Depending on the distance between the atoms, this collective effect can lead to super- and subradiance or to a coherent exchange-type interaction between the atoms. Changing the artificial atoms transition frequencies, something which can be easily done with superconducting qubits (two levels artificial atoms), is equivalent to changing the atom-atom separation and thereby opens the possibility to study the characteristics of these collective effects. To study this waveguide quantum electrodynamics system, we extend previous work and present an effective master equation valid for an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms. Using input-output theory, we compute analytically and numerically the elastic and inelastic scattering and show how these quantities reveal information about collective effects. These theoretical results are compatible with recent experimental results using transmon qubits coupled to a superconducting one-dimensional transmission line [A.F. van Loo {\it et al.} (2013)].

First-order sideband transitions with flux-driven asymmetric transmon qubits

  1. J. D. Strand,
  2. Matthew Ware,
  3. Félix Beaudoin,
  4. T. A. Ohki,
  5. B. R. Johnson,
  6. Alexandre Blais,
  7. and B. L. T. Plourde
We demonstrate rapid, first-order sideband transitions between a superconducting resonator and a frequency-modulated transmon qubit. The qubit contains a substantial asymmetry between
its Josephson junctions leading to a linear portion of the energy band near the resonator frequency. The sideband transitions are driven with a magnetic flux signal of a few hundred MHz coupled to the qubit. This modulates the qubit splitting at a frequency near the detuning between the dressed qubit and resonator frequencies, leading to rates up to 85 MHz for exchanging quanta between the qubit and resonator.

First-order sidebands in circuit QED using qubit frequency modulation

  1. Félix Beaudoin,
  2. Marcus P. da Silva,
  3. Zachary Dutton,
  4. and Alexandre Blais
Sideband transitions have been shown to generate controllable interaction between superconducting qubits and microwave resonators. Up to now, these transitions have been implemented
with voltage drives on the qubit or the resonator, with the significant disadvantage that such implementations only lead to second-order sideband transitions. Here we propose an approach to achieve first-order sideband transitions by relying on controlled oscillations of the qubit frequency using a flux-bias line. Not only can first-order transitions be significantly faster, but the same technique can be employed to implement other tunable qubit-resonator and qubit-qubit interactions. We discuss in detail how such first-order sideband transitions can be used to implement a high fidelity controlled-NOT operation between two transmons coupled to the same resonator.