Detection and Manipulation of Majorana Fermions in Circuit QED

  1. Clemens Müller,
  2. Jérôme Bourassa,
  3. and Alexandre Blais
Motivated by recent experimental progress to measure and manipulate Majorana fermions with superconducting circuits, we propose a device interfacing Majorana fermions with circuit quantum electrodynamics. The proposed circuit acts as a charge parity detector changing the resonance frequency of a superconducting \lambda/4 – resonator conditioned on the parity of charges on nearby gates. Operating at both charge and flux sweet-spots, this device is highly insensitive to environmental noise and enables high-fidelity single-shot quantum non-demolition readout of the state of a pair of Majorana fermions. Additionally, the interaction permits the realization of an arbitrary phase gate on the topological qubit, closing the loop for computational completeness. Away from the charge sweet-spot, this device can be used as a highly sensitive charge detector with a sensitivity smaller than 10^{-4} e / \sqrt{Hz} and bandwidth larger than 1 MHz.

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