Broadband quantum-limited amplifiers would advance applications in quantum information processing, metrology, and astronomy. However, conventional traveling-wave parametric amplifiers(TWPAs) support broadband amplification at the cost of increased added noise. In this work, we develop and apply a multi-mode, quantum input-output theory to quantitatively identify the sidebands as a primary noise mechanism in all conventional TWPAs. We then propose an adiabatic Floquet mode scheme that effectively eliminates the sideband-induced noise and subsequently overcomes the trade-off between quantum efficiency (QE) and bandwidth. We then show that a Floquet mode Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier implementation can simultaneously achieve >20dB gain and a QE of η/ηideal>99.9% of the quantum limit over more than an octave of bandwidth. Crucially, Floquet mode TWPAs also strongly suppress the nonlinear forward-backward wave coupling and are therefore genuinely directional. Floquet mode TWPAs can thus be directly integrated on-chip without isolators, making near-perfect measurement efficiency possible. The proposed Floquet scheme is also widely applicable to other platforms such as kinetic inductance traveling-wave amplifiers and optical parametric amplifiers.
We propose a traveling wave scheme for broadband microwave isolation using parametric mode conversion in conjunction with adiabatic phase matching technique in a pair of coupled nonlineartransmission lines. This scheme is compatible with the circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture (cQED) and provides isolation without introducing additional quantum noise. We first present the scheme in a general setting then propose an implementation with Josephson junction transmission lines. Numerical simulation shows more than 20 dB isolation over an octave bandwidth (4-8\,GHz) in a 2000 unit cell device with less than 0.05 dB insertion loss dominated by dielectric loss.
While quantum measurement theories are built around density matrices and observables, the laws of thermodynamics are based on processes such as are used in heat engines and refrigerators.The study of quantum thermodynamics fuses these two distinct paradigms. In this article, we highlight the usage of quantum process matrices as a unified language for describing thermodynamic processes in the quantum regime. We experimentally demonstrate this in the context of a quantum Maxwell’s demon, where two major quantities are commonly investigated; the average work extraction ⟨W⟩ and the efficacy γ which measures how efficiently the feedback operation uses the obtained information. Using the tool of quantum process matrices, we develop the optimal feedback protocols for these two quantities and experimentally investigate them in a superconducting circuit QED setup.
Quantum technology has been rapidly growing due to its potential revolutionary applications. In particular, superconducting qubits provide a strong light-matter interaction as requiredfor quantum computation and in principle can be scaled up to a high level of complexity. However, obtaining the full benefit of quantum mechanics in superconducting circuits requires a deep understanding of quantum physics in such systems in all aspects. One of the most crucial aspects is the concept of measurement and the dynamics of the quantum systems under the measurement process. This document is intended to be a pedagogical introduction to the concept of quantum measurement from an experimental perspective. We study the dynamics of a single superconducting qubit under continuous monitoring. We demonstrate that weak measurement is a versatile tool to investigate fundamental questions in quantum dynamics and quantum thermodynamics for open quantum systems.