Quantum Memristors

  1. P. Pfeiffer,
  2. I. L. Egusquiza,
  3. M. Di Ventra,
  4. M. Sanz,
  5. and E. Solano
Technology based on memristors, resistors with memory whose resistance depends on the history of the crossing charges, has lately enhanced the classical paradigm of computation with
neuromorphic architectures. However, in contrast to the known quantized models of passive circuit elements, such as inductors, capacitors or resistors, the design and realization of a quantum memristor is still missing. Here, we introduce the concept of a quantum memristor as a quantum dissipative device, whose decoherence mechanism is controlled by a continuous-measurement feedback scheme, which accounts for the memory. Indeed, we provide numerical simulations showing that memory effects actually persist in the quantum regime. Our quantization method, specifically designed for superconducting circuits, may be extended to other quantum platforms, allowing for memristor-type constructions in different quantum technologies. The proposed quantum memristor is then a building block for neuromorphic quantum computation and quantum simulations of non-Markovian systems.

Quantum teleportation of propagating quantum microwaves

  1. R. Di Candia,
  2. K. G. Fedorov,
  3. L. Zhong,
  4. S. Felicetti,
  5. E. P. Menzel,
  6. M. Sanz,
  7. F. Deppe,
  8. A. Marx,
  9. R. Gross,
  10. and E. Solano
Propagating quantum microwaves have been proposed and successfully implemented to generate entanglement, thereby establishing a promising platform for the realisation of a quantum communication
channel. However, the implementation of quantum teleportation with photons in the microwave regime is still absent. At the same time, recent developments in the field show that this key protocol could be feasible with current technology, which would pave the way to boost the field of microwave quantum communication. Here, we discuss the feasibility of a possible implementation of microwave quantum teleportation in a realistic scenario with losses. Furthermore, we propose how to implement quantum repeaters in the microwave regime without using photodetection, a key prerequisite to achieve long distance entanglement distribution.

Dynamical Casimir effect entangles artificial atoms

  1. S. Felicetti,
  2. M. Sanz,
  3. L. Lamata,
  4. G. Romero,
  5. G. Johansson,
  6. P. Delsing,
  7. and E. Solano
The phenomenon of quantum fluctuations, consisting in virtual particles emerging from vacuum, is central to understanding important effects in nature – for instance, the Lamb
shift of atomic spectra and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. It was also suggested that a mirror undergoing relativistic motion could convert virtual into real photons. This phenomenon, denominated dynamical Casimir effect (DCE), has been observed in recent experiments with superconducting circuits. Here, we show that the physics underlying the DCE may generate multipartite quantum correlations. To achieve it, we propose a circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) scenario involving superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), cavities, and superconducting qubits, also called artificial atoms. Our results predict the generation of highly entangled states for two and three superconducting qubits in different geometric configurations with realistic parameters. This proposal paves the way for a scalable method of multipartite entanglement generation in cavity networks through dynamical Casimir physics.