Characterization and Optimization of Tunable Couplers via Adiabatic Control in Superconducting Circuits

  1. Xuan Zhang,
  2. Xu Zhang,
  3. Changling Chen,
  4. Kai Tang,
  5. Kangyuan Yi,
  6. Kai Luo,
  7. Zheshu Xie,
  8. Yuanzhen Chen,
  9. and Tongxing Yan
In the pursuit of scalable superconducting quantum computing, tunable couplers have emerged as a pivotal component, offering the flexibility required for complex quantum operations
of high performance. In most current architectures of superconducting quantum chips, such couplers are not equipped with dedicated readout circuits to reduce complexity in both design and operation. However, this strategy poses challenges in precise characterization, calibration, and control of the couplers. In this work, we develop a hardware-efficient and robust technique based on adiabatic control to address the above issue. The critical ingredient of this technique is adiabatic swap (aSWAP) operation between a tunable coupler and nearby qubits. Using this technique, we have characterized and calibrated tunable couplers in our chips and achieved straightforward and precise control over these couplers. For example, we have demonstrated the calibration and correction of the flux distortion of couplers. In addition, we have also expanded this technique to tune the dispersive shift between a frequency-fixed qubit and its readout resonator over a wide range.

Experimental Realization of Two Qutrits Gate with Tunable Coupling in Superconducting Circuits

  1. Kai Luo,
  2. Wenhui Huang,
  3. Ziyu Tao,
  4. Libo Zhang,
  5. Yuxuan Zhou,
  6. Ji Chu,
  7. Wuxin Liu,
  8. Biying Wang,
  9. Jiangyu Cui,
  10. Song Liu,
  11. Fei Yan,
  12. Man-Hong Yung,
  13. Yuanzhen Chen,
  14. Tongxing Yan,
  15. and Dapeng Yu
Gate-based quantum computation has been extensively investigated using quantum circuits based on qubits. In many cases, such qubits are actually made out of multilevel systems but with
only two states being used for computational purpose. While such a strategy has the advantage of being in line with the common binary logic, it in some sense wastes the ready-for-use resources in the large Hilbert space of these intrinsic multi-dimensional systems. Quantum computation beyond qubits (e.g., using qutrits or qudits) has thus been discussed and argued to be more efficient than its qubit counterpart in certain scenarios. However, one of the essential elements for qutrit-based quantum computation, two-qutrit quantum gate, remains a major challenge. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a highly efficient and scalable two-qutrit quantum gate in superconducting quantum circuits. Using a tunable coupler to control the cross-Kerr coupling between two qutrits, our scheme realizes a two-qutrit conditional phase gate with fidelity 89.3% by combining simple pulses applied to the coupler with single-qutrit operations. We further use such a two-qutrit gate to prepare an EPR state of two qutrits with a fidelity of 95.5%. Our scheme takes advantage of a tunable qutrit-qutrit coupling with a large on/off ratio. It therefore offers both high efficiency and low cross talk between qutrits, thus being friendly for scaling up. Our work constitutes an important step towards scalable qutrit-based quantum computation.

Suppressing Coherent Two-Qubit Errors via Dynamical Decoupling

  1. Jiawei Qiu,
  2. Yuxuan Zhou,
  3. Chang-Kang Hu,
  4. Jiahao Yuan,
  5. Libo Zhang,
  6. Ji Chu,
  7. Wenhui Huang,
  8. Weiyang Liu,
  9. Kai Luo,
  10. Zhongchu Ni,
  11. Xianchuang Pan,
  12. Zhixuan Yang,
  13. Yimeng Zhang,
  14. Yuanzhen Chen,
  15. Xiu-Hao Deng,
  16. Ling Hu,
  17. Jian Li,
  18. Jingjing Niu,
  19. Yuan Xu,
  20. Tongxing Yan,
  21. Youpeng Zhong,
  22. Song Liu,
  23. Fei Yan,
  24. and Dapeng Yu
Scalable quantum information processing requires the ability to tune multi-qubit interactions. This makes the precise manipulation of quantum states particularly difficult for multi-qubit
interactions because tunability unavoidably introduces sensitivity to fluctuations in the tuned parameters, leading to erroneous multi-qubit gate operations. The performance of quantum algorithms may be severely compromised by coherent multi-qubit errors. It is therefore imperative to understand how these fluctuations affect multi-qubit interactions and, more importantly, to mitigate their influence. In this study, we demonstrate how to implement dynamical-decoupling techniques to suppress the two-qubit analogue of the dephasing on a superconducting quantum device featuring a compact tunable coupler, a trending technology that enables the fast manipulation of qubit–qubit interactions. The pure-dephasing time shows an up to ~14 times enhancement on average when using robust sequences. The results are in good agreement with the noise generated from room-temperature circuits. Our study further reveals the decohering processes associated with tunable couplers and establishes a framework to develop gates and sequences robust against two-qubit errors.