Reducing the impact of radioactivity on quantum circuits in a deep-underground facility

  1. Laura Cardani,
  2. Francesco Valenti,
  3. Nicola Casali,
  4. Gianluigi Catelani,
  5. Thibault Charpentier,
  6. Massimiliano Clemenza,
  7. Ivan Colantoni,
  8. Angelo Cruciani,
  9. Luca Gironi,
  10. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  11. Daria Gusenkova,
  12. Fabio Henriques,
  13. Marc Lagoin,
  14. Maria Martinez,
  15. Giorgio Pettinari,
  16. Claudia Rusconi,
  17. Oliver Sander,
  18. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  19. Marc Weber,
  20. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  21. Marco Vignati,
  22. Stefano Pirro,
  23. and Ioan M. Pop
As quantum coherence times of superconducting circuits have increased from nanoseconds to hundreds of microseconds, they are currently one of the leading platforms for quantum information
processing. However, coherence needs to further improve by orders of magnitude to reduce the prohibitive hardware overhead of current error correction schemes. Reaching this goal hinges on reducing the density of broken Cooper pairs, so-called quasiparticles. Here, we show that environmental radioactivity is a significant source of nonequilibrium quasiparticles. Moreover, ionizing radiation introduces time-correlated quasiparticle bursts in resonators on the same chip, further complicating quantum error correction. Operating in a deep-underground lead-shielded cryostat decreases the quasiparticle burst rate by a factor fifty and reduces dissipation up to a factor four, showcasing the importance of radiation abatement in future solid-state quantum hardware.

State preparation of a fluxonium qubit with feedback from a custom FPGA-based platform

  1. Richard Gebauer,
  2. Nick Karcher,
  3. Daria Gusenkova,
  4. Martin Spiecker,
  5. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  6. Ivan Takmakov,
  7. Patrick Winkel,
  8. Luca Planat,
  9. Nicolas Roch,
  10. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  11. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  12. Marc Weber,
  13. Martin Weides,
  14. Ioan M. Pop,
  15. and Oliver Sander
We developed a versatile integrated control and readout instrument for experiments with superconducting quantum bits (qubits), based on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform.
Using this platform, we perform measurement-based, closed-loop feedback operations with 428ns platform latency. The feedback capability is instrumental in realizing active reset initialization of the qubit into the ground state in a time much shorter than its energy relaxation time T1. We show experimental results demonstrating reset of a fluxonium qubit with 99.4% fidelity, using a readout-and-drive pulse sequence approximately 1.5μs long. Compared to passive ground state initialization through thermalization, with the time constant given by T1= 80μs, the use of the FPGA-based platform allows us to improve both the fidelity and the time of the qubit initialization by an order of magnitude.

Implementation of a transmon qubit using superconducting granular aluminum

  1. Patrick Winkel,
  2. Kiril Borisov,
  3. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  4. Dennis Rieger,
  5. Martin Spiecker,
  6. Francesco Valenti,
  7. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  8. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  9. and Ioan M. Pop
The high kinetic inductance offered by granular aluminum (grAl) has recently been employed for linear inductors in superconducting high-impedance qubits and kinetic inductance detectors.
Due to its large critical current density compared to typical Josephson junctions, its resilience to external magnetic fields, and its low dissipation, grAl may also provide a robust source of non-linearity for strongly driven quantum circuits, topological superconductivity, and hybrid systems. Having said that, can the grAl non-linearity be sufficient to build a qubit? Here we show that a small grAl volume (10×200×500nm3) shunted by a thin film aluminum capacitor results in a microwave oscillator with anharmonicity α two orders of magnitude larger than its spectral linewidth Γ01, effectively forming a transmon qubit. With increasing drive power, we observe several multi-photon transitions starting from the ground state, from which we extract α=2π×4.48MHz. Resonance fluorescence measurements of the |0>→|1> transition yield an intrinsic qubit linewidth γ=2π×10kHz, corresponding to a lifetime of 16μs. This linewidth remains below 2π×150kHz for in-plane magnetic fields up to ∼70mT.

Microscopic charging and in-gap states in superconducting granular aluminum

  1. Fang Yang,
  2. Tim Storbeck,
  3. Thomas Gozlinski,
  4. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  5. Ioan M. Pop,
  6. and Wulf Wulfhekel
Following the emergence of superconducting granular aluminum (grAl) as a material for high-impedance quantum circuits, future development hinges on a microscopic understanding of its
phase diagram, and whether the superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT) is driven by disorder or charging effects. Beyond fundamental relevance, these mechanisms govern noise and dissipation in microwave circuits. Although the enhancement of the critical temperature, and the SIT in granular superconductors have been studied for more than fifty years, experimental studies have so far provided incomplete information on the microscopic phenomena. Here we present scanning tunneling microscope measurements of the local electronic structure of superconducting grAl. We confirm an increased superconducting gap in individual grains both near and above the Mott resistivity ρM≈400 μΩcm. Above ρM we find Coulomb charging effects, a first indication for decoupling, and in-gap states on individual grains, which could contribute to flux noise and dielectric loss in quantum devices. We also observe multiple low-energy states outside the gap, which may indicate bosonic excitations of the superconducting order parameter.

Non-degenerate parametric amplifiers based on dispersion engineered Josephson junction arrays

  1. Patrick Winkel,
  2. Ivan Takmakov,
  3. Dennis Rieger,
  4. Luca Planat,
  5. Wiebke Hasch-Guichard,
  6. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  7. Nataliya Maleeva,
  8. Farshad Foroughi,
  9. Fabio Henriques,
  10. Kiril Borisov,
  11. Julian Ferrero,
  12. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  13. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  14. Nicolas Roch,
  15. and Ioan M. Pop
Determining the state of a qubit on a timescale much shorter than its relaxation time is an essential requirement for quantum information processing. With the aid of a new type of non-degenerate
parametric amplifier, we demonstrate the continuous detection of quantum jumps of a transmon qubit with 90% fidelity in state discrimination. Entirely fabricated with standard two-step optical lithography techniques, this type of parametric amplifier consists of a dispersion engineered Josephson junction (JJ) array. By using long arrays, containing 103 JJs, we can obtain amplification at multiple eigenmodes with frequencies below 10 GHz, which is the typical range for qubit readout. Moreover, by introducing a moderate flux tunability of each mode, employing superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) junctions, a single amplifier device could potentially cover the entire frequency band between 1 and 10 GHz.

Onset of phase diffusion in high kinetic inductance granular aluminum micro-SQUIDs

  1. Felix Friedrich,
  2. Patrick Winkel,
  3. Kiril Borisov,
  4. Hannes Seeger,
  5. Christoph Sürgers,
  6. Ioan M. Pop,
  7. and Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
Superconducting granular aluminum is attracting increasing interest due to its high kinetic inductance and low dissipation, favoring its use in kinetic inductance particle detectors,
superconducting resonators or quantum bits. We perform switching current measurements on DC-SQUIDs, obtained by introducing two identical geometric constrictions in granular aluminum rings of various normal-state resistivities in the range from ρn=250μΩcm to 5550μΩcm. The relative high kinetic inductance of the SQUID loop, in the range of tens of nH, leads to a suppression of the modulation in the measured switching current versus magnetic flux, accompanied by a distortion towards a triangular shape. We observe a change in the temperature dependence of the switching current histograms with increasing normal-state film resistivity. This behavior suggests the onset of a diffusive motion of the superconducting phase across the constrictions in the two-dimensional washboard potential of the SQUIDs, which could be caused by a change of the local electromagnetic environment of films with increasing normal-state resistivities.

Phonon traps reduce the quasiparticle density in superconducting circuits

  1. Fabio Henriques,
  2. Francesco Valenti,
  3. Thibault Charpentier,
  4. Marc Lagoin,
  5. Clement Gouriou,
  6. Maria Martínez,
  7. Laura Cardani,
  8. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  9. Daria Gusenkova,
  10. Julian Ferrero,
  11. Sebastian T. Skacel,
  12. Wolfgang Wernsdorfer,
  13. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  14. Gianluigi Catelani,
  15. Oliver Sander,
  16. and Ioan M. Pop
Out of equilibrium quasiparticles (QPs) are one of the main sources of decoherence in superconducting quantum circuits, and are particularly detrimental in devices with high kinetic
inductance, such as high impedance resonators, qubits, and detectors. Despite significant progress in the understanding of QP dynamics, pinpointing their origin and decreasing their density remain outstanding tasks. The cyclic process of recombination and generation of QPs implies the exchange of phonons between the superconducting thin film and the underlying substrate. Reducing the number of substrate phonons with frequencies exceeding the spectral gap of the superconductor should result in a reduction of QPs. Indeed, we demonstrate that surrounding high impedance resonators made of granular aluminum (grAl) with lower gapped thin film aluminum islands increases the internal quality factors of the resonators in the single photon regime, suppresses the noise, and reduces the rate of observed QP bursts. The aluminum islands are positioned far enough from the resonators to be electromagnetically decoupled, thus not changing the resonator frequency, nor the loading. We therefore attribute the improvements observed in grAl resonators to phonon trapping at frequencies close to the spectral gap of aluminum, well below the grAl gap.

Granular aluminum: A superconducting material for high impedance quantum circuits

  1. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  2. Martin Spiecker,
  3. Daria Gusenkova,
  4. Nataliya Maleeva,
  5. Sebastian T. Skacel,
  6. Ivan Takmakov,
  7. Francesco Valenti,
  8. Patrick Winkel,
  9. Hannes Rotzinger,
  10. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  11. and Ioan M. Pop
Superconducting quantum information processing machines are predominantly based on microwave circuits with relatively low characteristic impedance, of about 100 Ohm, and small anharmonicity,
which can limit their coherence and logic gate fidelity. A promising alternative are circuits based on so-called superinductors, with characteristic impedances exceeding the resistance quantum RQ=6.4 kΩ. However, previous implementations of superinductors, consisting of mesoscopic Josephson junction arrays, can introduce unintended nonlinearity or parasitic resonant modes in the qubit vicinity, degrading its coherence. Here we present a fluxonium qubit design using a granular aluminum (grAl) superinductor strip. Granular aluminum is a particularly attractive material, as it self-assembles into an effective junction array with a remarkably high kinetic inductance, and its fabrication can be in-situ integrated with standard aluminum circuit processing. The measured qubit coherence time TR2 up to 30 μs illustrates the potential of grAl for applications ranging from protected qubit designs to quantum limited amplifiers and detectors.

Quasiparticle dynamics in granular aluminum close to the superconductor to insulator transition

  1. Lukas Grünhaupt,
  2. Nataliya Maleeva,
  3. Sebastian T. Skacel,
  4. Martino Calvo,
  5. Florence Levy-Bertrand,
  6. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  7. Hannes Rotzinger,
  8. Alessandro Monfardini,
  9. Gianluigi Catelani,
  10. and Ioan M. Pop
Superconducting high kinetic inductance elements constitute a valuable resource for quantum circuit design and millimeter-wave detection. Granular aluminum (GrAl) in the superconducting
regime is a particularly interesting material since it has already shown a kinetic inductance in the range of nH/◻ and its deposition is compatible with conventional Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junction fabrication. We characterize microwave resonators fabricated from GrAl with a room temperature resistivity of 4×103μΩ⋅cm, which is a factor of 3 below the superconductor to insulator transition, showing a kinetic inductance fraction close to unity. The measured internal quality factors are on the order of Qi=105 in the single photon regime, and we demonstrate that non-equilibrium quasiparticles (QP) constitute the dominant loss mechanism. We extract QP relaxation times in the range of 1 s and we observe QP bursts every ∼20 s. The current level of coherence of GrAl resonators makes them attractive for integration in quantum devices, while it also evidences the need to reduce the density of non-equilibrium QPs.

Fluxon-Based Quantum Simulation in Circuit QED

  1. Alexandru Petrescu,
  2. Hakan E. Türeci,
  3. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  4. and Ioan M. Pop
Long-lived fluxon excitations can be trapped inside a superinductor ring, which is divided into an array of loops by a periodic sequence of Josephson junctions in the quantum regime,
thereby allowing fluxons to tunnel between neighboring sites. By tuning the Josephson couplings, and implicitly the fluxon tunneling probability amplitudes, a wide class of 1D tight-binding lattice models may be implemented and populated with a stable number of fluxons. We illustrate the use of this quantum simulation platform by discussing the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model in the 1-fluxon subspace, which hosts a symmetry protected topological phase with fractionally charged bound states at the edges. This pair of localized edge states could be used to implement a superconducting qubit increasingly decoupled from decoherence mechanisms.