Hot Schrödinger Cat States

  1. Ian Yang,
  2. Thomas Agrenius,
  3. Vasilisa Usova,
  4. Oriol Romero-Isart,
  5. and Gerhard Kirchmair
The observation of quantum phenomena often necessitates sufficiently pure states, a requirement that can be challenging to achieve. In this study, our goal is to prepare a non-classical
state originating from a mixed state, utilizing dynamics that preserve the initial low purity of the state. We generate a quantum superposition of displaced thermal states within a microwave cavity using only unitary interactions with a transmon qubit. We measure the Wigner functions of these „hot“ Schrödinger cat states for an initial purity as low as 0.06. This corresponds to a cavity mode temperature of up to 1.8 Kelvin, sixty times hotter than the cavity’s physical environment. Our realization of highly mixed quantum superposition states could be implemented with other continuous-variable systems e.g. nanomechanical oscillators, for which ground-state cooling remains challenging.

Collective bosonic effects in an array of transmon devices

  1. Tuure Orell,
  2. Maximilian Zanner,
  3. Mathieu L. Juan,
  4. Aleksei Sharafiev,
  5. Romain Albert,
  6. Stefan Oleschko,
  7. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  8. and Matti Silveri
Multiple atoms coherently interacting with an electromagnetic mode give rise to collective effects such as correlated decay and coherent exchange interaction, depending on the separation
of the atoms. By diagonalizing the effective non-Hermitian many-body Hamiltonian we reveal the complex-valued eigenvalue spectrum encoding the decay and interaction characteristics. We show that there are significant differences in the emerging effects for an array of interacting anharmonic oscillators compared to those of two-level systems and harmonic oscillators. The bosonic decay rate of the most superradiant state increases linearly as a function of the filling factor and exceeds that of two-level systems in magnitude. Furthermore, with bosonic systems, dark states are formed at each filling factor. These are in strong contrast with two-level systems, where the maximal superradiance is observed at half filling and with larger filling factors superradiance diminishes and no dark states are formed. As an experimentally relevant setup of bosonic waveguide QED, we focus on arrays of transmon devices embedded inside a rectangular waveguide. Specifically, we study the setup of two transmon pairs realized experimentally in M. Zanner et al., arXiv.2106.05623 (2021), and show that it is necessary to consider transmons as bosonic multilevel emitters to accurately recover correct collective effects for the higher excitation manifolds.

Coherent control of a symmetry-engineered multi-qubit dark state in waveguide quantum electrodynamics

  1. Maximilian Zanner,
  2. Tuure Orell,
  3. Christian M. F. Schneider,
  4. Romain Albert,
  5. Stefan Oleschko,
  6. Mathieu L. Juan,
  7. Matti Silveri,
  8. and Gerhard Kirchmair
Quantum information is typically encoded in the state of a qubit that is decoupled from the environment. In contrast, waveguide quantum electrodynamics studies qubits coupled to a mode
continuum, exposing them to a loss channel and causing quantum information to be lost before coherent operations can be performed. Here we restore coherence by realizing a dark state that exploits symmetry properties and interactions between four qubits. Dark states decouple from the waveguide and are thus a valuable resource for quantum information but also come with a challenge: they cannot be controlled by the waveguide drive. We overcome this problem by designing a drive that utilizes the symmetry properties of the collective state manifold allowing us to selectively drive both bright and dark states. The decay time of the dark state exceeds that of the waveguide-limited single qubit by more than two orders of magnitude. Spectroscopy on the second excitation manifold provides further insight into the level structure of the hybridized system. Our experiment paves the way for implementations of quantum many-body physics in waveguides and the realization of quantum information protocols using decoherence-free subspaces.

Efficient and low-backaction quantum measurement using a chip-scale detector

  1. Eric I. Rosenthal,
  2. Christian M. F. Schneider,
  3. Maxime Malnou,
  4. Ziyi Zhao,
  5. Felix Leditzky,
  6. Benjamin J. Chapman,
  7. Waltraut Wustmann,
  8. Xizheng Ma,
  9. Daniel A. Palken,
  10. Maximilian F. Zanner,
  11. Leila R. Vale,
  12. Gene C. Hilton,
  13. Jiansong Gao,
  14. Graeme Smith,
  15. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  16. and K. W. Lehnert
Superconducting qubits are a leading platform for scalable quantum computing and quantum error correction. One feature of this platform is the ability to perform projective measurements
orders of magnitude more quickly than qubit decoherence times. Such measurements are enabled by the use of quantum-limited parametric amplifiers in conjunction with ferrite circulators – magnetic devices which provide isolation from noise and decoherence due to amplifier backaction. Because these non-reciprocal elements have limited performance and are not easily integrated on-chip, it has been a longstanding goal to replace them with a scalable alternative. Here, we demonstrate a solution to this problem by using a superconducting switch to control the coupling between a qubit and amplifier. Doing so, we measure a transmon qubit using a single, chip-scale device to provide both parametric amplification and isolation from the bulk of amplifier backaction. This measurement is also fast, high fidelity, and has 70% efficiency, comparable to the best that has been reported in any superconducting qubit measurement. As such, this work constitutes a high-quality platform for the scalable measurement of superconducting qubits.

Coherent controlization using superconducting qubits

  1. Nicolai Friis,
  2. Alexey A. Melnikov,
  3. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  4. and Hans J. Briegel
Coherent controlization, i.e., coherent conditioning of arbitrary single- or multi-qubit operations on the state of one or more control qubits, is an important ingredient for the flexible
implementation of many algorithms in quantum computation. This is of particular significance when certain subroutines are changing over time or when they are frequently modified, such as in decision-making algorithms for learning agents. We propose a scheme to realize coherent controlization for any number of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. For two and three qubits, we present an explicit construction that is of high relevance for quantum learning agents. We demonstrate the feasibility of our proposal, taking into account loss, dephasing, and the cavity self-Kerr effect.

Strong Single-Photon Coupling in Superconducting Quantum Magnetomechanics

  1. Guillem Via,
  2. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  3. and Oriol Romero-Isart
We show that the inductive coupling between the quantum mechanical motion of a superconducting microcantilever and a flux-dependent microwave quantum circuit can attain the strong single-photon
nanomechanical coupling regime with feasible experimental parameters. We propose to use a superconducting strip, which is in the Meissner state, at the tip of a cantilever. A pick-up coil collects the flux generated by the sheet currents induced by an external quadrupole magnetic field centered at the strip location. The position-dependent magnetic response of the superconducting strip, enhanced by both diamagnetism and demagnetizing effects, leads to a strong magnetomechanical coupling to quantum circuits.

Observation of quantum state collapse and revival due to the single-photon Kerr effect

  1. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  2. Brian Vlastakis,
  3. Zaki Leghtas,
  4. Simon E. Nigg,
  5. Hanhee Paik,
  6. Eran Ginossar,
  7. Mazyar Mirrahimi,
  8. Luigi Frunzio,
  9. S. M. Girvin,
  10. and R. J. Schoelkopf
Photons are ideal carriers for quantum information as they can have a long coherence time and can be transmitted over long distances. These properties are a consequence of their weak
interactions within a nearly linear medium. To create and manipulate nonclassical states of light, however, one requires a strong, nonlinear interaction at the single photon level. One approach to generate suitable interactions is to couple photons to atoms, as in the strong coupling regime of cavity QED systems. In these systems, however, one only indirectly controls the quantum state of the light by manipulating the atoms. A direct photon-photon interaction occurs in so-called Kerr media, which typically induce only weak nonlinearity at the cost of significant loss. So far, it has not been possible to reach the single-photon Kerr regime, where the interaction strength between individual photons exceeds the loss rate. Here, using a 3D circuit QED architecture, we engineer an artificial Kerr medium which enters this regime and allows the observation of new quantum effects. We realize a Gedankenexperiment proposed by Yurke and Stoler, in which the collapse and revival of a coherent state can be observed. This time evolution is a consequence of the quantization of the light field in the cavity and the nonlinear interaction between individual photons. During this evolution non-classical superpositions of coherent states, i.e. multi-component Schroedinger cat states, are formed. We visualize this evolution by measuring the Husimi Q-function and confirm the non-classical properties of these transient states by Wigner tomography. The single-photon Kerr effect could be employed in QND measurement of photons, single photon generation, autonomous quantum feedback schemes and quantum logic operations.

Black-box superconducting circuit quantization

  1. Simon E. Nigg,
  2. Hanhee Paik,
  3. Brian Vlastakis,
  4. Gerhard Kirchmair,
  5. Shyam Shankar,
  6. Luigi Frunzio,
  7. Michel Devoret,
  8. Robert Schoelkopf,
  9. and Steven Girvin
We present a semi-classical method for determining the effective low-energy quantum Hamiltonian of weakly anharmonic superconducting circuits containing mesoscopic Josephson junctions
coupled to electromagnetic environments made of an arbitrary combination of distributed and lumped elements. A convenient basis, capturing the multi-mode physics, is given by the quantized eigenmodes of the linearized circuit and is fully determined by a classical linear response function. The method is used to calculate numerically the low-energy spectrum of a 3D-transmon system, and quantitative agreement with measurements is found.