Quantum information processing with bosonic qubits in circuit QED

  1. Atharv Joshi,
  2. Kyungjoo Noh,
  3. and Yvonne Y. Gao
The unique features of quantum theory offer a powerful new paradigm for information processing. Translating these mathematical abstractions into useful algorithms and applications requires
quantum systems with significant complexity and sufficiently low error rates. Such quantum systems must be made from robust hardware that can coherently store, process, and extract the encoded information, as well as possess effective quantum error correction (QEC) protocols to detect and correct errors. Circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) provides a promising hardware platform for implementing robust quantum devices. In particular, bosonic encodings in cQED that use multi-photon states of superconducting cavities to encode information have shown success in realizing hardware-efficient QEC. Here, we review recent developments in the theory and implementation of quantum error correction with bosonic codes and report the progress made towards realizing fault-tolerant quantum information processing with cQED devices.