Spectrum and Coherence Properties of the Current-Mirror Qubit

  1. D. K. Weiss,
  2. Andy C. Y. Li,
  3. D.G. Ferguson,
  4. and Jens Koch
exhibits a robust ground-state degeneracy and wave functions with disjoint support for appropriate circuit parameters."]In this protected regime, Cooper-pair excitons form the relevant low-energy excitations. Based on a full circuit analysis of the current-mirror device, we introduce an effective model that systematically captures the relevant low-energy degrees of freedom, and is amenable to diagonalization using Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) methods. We find excellent agreement between DMRG and exact diagonalization, and can push DMRG simulations to much larger circuit sizes than feasible for exact diagonalization. We discuss the spectral properties of the current-mirror circuit, and predict coherence times exceeding 1 ms in parameter regimes believed to be within reach of experiments.

Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED lattice

  1. Mattias Fitzpatrick,
  2. Neereja M. Sundaresan,
  3. Andy C. Y. Li,
  4. Jens Koch,
  5. and A. A. Houck
Condensed matter physics has been driven forward by significant experimental and theoretical progress in the study and understanding of equilibrium phase transitions based on symmetry
and topology. However, nonequilibrium phase transitions have remained a challenge, in part due to their complexity in theoretical descriptions and the additional experimental difficulties in systematically controlling systems out of equilibrium. Here, we study a one-dimensional chain of 72 microwave cavities, each coupled to a superconducting qubit, and coherently drive the system into a nonequilibrium steady state. We find experimental evidence for a dissipative phase transition in the system in which the steady state changes dramatically as the mean photon number is increased. Near the boundary between the two observed phases, the system demonstrates bistability, with characteristic switching times as long as 60 ms — far longer than any of the intrinsic rates known for the system. This experiment demonstrates the power of circuit QED systems for studying nonequilibrium condensed matter physics and paves the way for future experiments exploring nonequilbrium physics with many-body quantum optics.

Imaging Photon Lattice States by Scanning Defect Microscopy

  1. D. L. Underwood,
  2. W. E. Shanks,
  3. Andy C. Y. Li,
  4. Lamia Ateshian,
  5. Jens Koch,
  6. and A. A. Houck
Microwave photons inside lattices of coupled resonators and superconducting qubits can exhibit surprising matter-like behavior. Realizing such open-system quantum simulators presents
an experimental challenge and requires new tools and measurement techniques. Here, we introduce Scanning Defect Microscopy as one such tool and illustrate its use in mapping the normal-mode structure of microwave photons inside a 49-site Kagome lattice of coplanar waveguide resonators. Scanning is accomplished by moving a probe equipped with a sapphire tip across the lattice. This locally perturbs resonator frequencies and induces shifts of the lattice resonance frequencies which we determine by measuring the transmission spectrum. From the magnitude of mode shifts we can reconstruct photon field amplitudes at each lattice site and thus create spatial images of the photon-lattice normal modes.