Resonator reset in circuit QED by optimal control for large open quantum systems

  1. Samuel Boutin,
  2. Christian Kraglund Andersen,
  3. Jayameenakshi Venkatraman,
  4. Andrew J. Ferris,
  5. and Alexandre Blais
We study an implementation of the open GRAPE (Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering) algorithm well suited for large open quantum systems. While typical implementations of optimal control
algorithms for open quantum systems rely on a transformation to Liouville space, our implementation avoid this transformation which leads to a polynomial speed-up of the open GRAPE algorithm in cases of interest. As an example, we apply our implementation to active reset of a readout resonator in circuit QED. In this problem, the shape of a microwave pulse is optimized to steer the cavity state towards its ground state as fast as possible. Using our open GRAPE implementation, we obtain pulse shapes leading to a reset time over four times faster than typical passive reset.