Theory of microwave single-photon detection using an impedance-matched Λ system

  1. Kazuki Koshino,
  2. Kunihiro Inomata,
  3. Zhirong Lin,
  4. Yasunobu Nakamura,
  5. and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
By properly driving a qubit-resonator system in the strong dispersive regime, we implement an „impedance-matched“ Λ system in the dressed states, where a resonant single photon deterministically induces a Raman transition and excites the qubit. Combining this effect and a fast dispersive readout of the qubit, we realize a detector of itinerant microwave photons. We theoretically analyze the single-photon response of the Λ system and evaluate its performance as a detector. We achieve a high detection efficiency close to unity without relying on precise temporal control of the input pulse shape and under a conservative estimate of the system parameters. The detector can also be reset quickly by applying microwave pulses, which allows a short dead time and a high repetition rate.

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