Probing the statistics of coherent states by continuous wave mixing on a single artificial atom

  1. A.Yu. Dmitriev,
  2. R. Shaikhaidarov,
  3. T. Hönigl-Decrinis,
  4. S. E. De Graaf,
  5. V.N. Antonov,
  6. and O. V. Astafiev
We study four- and higher-order wave mixing of continuous coherent waves on a single superconducting artificial atom. Narrow side peaks of different orders of nonlinearity resulting from elastic multi-photon scattering on the atom are observed and investigated. We derive an analytical expression for the peak amplitudes and show that the ratio of any two adjacent peaks is a function of driving amplitudes and detuning. This is attributed to the photon distribution in the coherent states and provides a measure for characterisation of photon statistics in non-classical coherent waves. We also demonstrate an Autler-Townes-like splitting of side peaks, the magnitude of which scales with the scattering order.

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