Normal modes of a superconducting transmission-line resonator with embedded lumped element circuit components

  1. Henrik Lund Mortensen,
  2. Klaus Mølmer,
  3. and Christian Kraglund Andersen
We present a method to identify the coupled, normal modes of a superconducting transmission-line with an embedded lumped element circuit. We evaluate the effective transmission-line non-linearities in the case of Kerr-like Josephson interactions in the circuit and in the case where the embedded circuit constitutes a qubit degree of freedom, which is Rabi coupled to the field in the transmission-line. Our theory quantitatively accounts for the very high and positive Kerr non-linearities observed in a recent experiment [M. Reh\’ak, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 162604], and we can evaluate the accomplishments of modified versions of the experimental circuit.

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