Nonclassical microwave radiation from the dynamical Casimir effect

  1. J. R. Johansson,
  2. G. Johansson,
  3. C. M. Wilson,
  4. P. Delsing,
  5. and F. Nori
We investigate quantum correlations in microwave radiation produced by the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting waveguide terminated and modulated by a superconducting quantum interference device. We apply nonclassicality tests and evaluate the entanglement for the predicted field states. For realistic circuit parameters, including thermal background noise, the results indicate that the produced radiation can be strictly nonclassical and can have a measurable amount of intermode entanglement. If measured experimentally, these nonclassicalilty indicators could give further evidence of the quantum nature of the dynamical Casimir radiation in these circuits.

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