Hamiltonian Tomography of Photonic Lattices

  1. Ruichao Ma,
  2. Clai Owens,
  3. Aman LaChapelle,
  4. David I. Schuster,
  5. and Jonathan Simon
In this letter we introduce a novel approach to Hamiltonian tomography of non-interacting tight-binding photonic lattices. To begin with, we prove that the matrix element of the low-energy effective Hamiltonian between sites i and j may be obtained directly from Sij(ω), the (suitably normalized) two-port measurement between sites i and j at frequency ω. This general result enables complete characterization of both on-site energies and tunneling matrix elements in arbitrary lattice networks by spectroscopy, and suggests that coupling between lattice sites is actually a topological property of the two-port spectrum. We further provide extensions of this technique for measurement of band-projectors in finite, disordered systems with good flatness ratios, and apply the tool to direct real-space measurement of the Chern number. Our approach demonstrates the extraordinary potential of microwave quantum circuits for exploration of exotic synthetic materials, providing a clear path to characterization and control of single-particle properties of Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard lattices. More broadly, we provide a robust, unified method of spectroscopic characterization of linear networks from photonic crystals to microwave lattices and everything in-between.

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