Electric fields for light: Propagation of microwave photons along a synthetic dimension

  1. Nathan R. A. Lee,
  2. Marek Pechal,
  3. E. Alex Wollack,
  4. Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola,
  5. Zhaoyou Wang,
  6. and Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
The evenly-spaced modes of an electromagnetic resonator are coupled to each other by appropriate time-modulation, leading to dynamics analogous to those of particles hopping between different sites of a lattice. This substitution of a real spatial dimension of a lattice with a „synthetic'“ dimension in frequency space greatly reduces the hardware complexity of an analog quantum simulator. Complex control and read-out of a highly multi-moded structure can thus be accomplished with very few physical control lines. We demonstrate this concept with microwave photons in a superconducting transmission line resonator by modulating the system parameters at frequencies near the resonator’s free spectral range and observing propagation of photon wavepackets in time domain. The linear propagation dynamics are equivalent to a tight-binding model, which we probe by measuring scattering parameters between frequency sites. We extract an approximate tight-binding dispersion relation for the synthetic lattice and initialize photon wavepackets with well-defined quasimomenta and group velocities. As an example application of this platform in simulating a physical system, we demonstrate Bloch oscillations associated with a particle in a periodic potential and subject to a constant external field. The simulated field strongly affects the photon dynamics despite photons having zero charge. Our observation of photon dynamics along a synthetic frequency dimension generalizes immediately to topological photonics and single-photon power levels, and expands the range of physical systems addressable by quantum simulation.

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