I am going to post here all newly submitted articles on the arXiv related to superconducting circuits. If your article has been accidentally forgotten, feel free to contact me
Observation of Interface Piezoelectricity in Superconducting Devices on Silicon
The evolution of superconducting quantum processors is driven by the need to reduce errors and scale for fault-tolerant computation. Reducing physical qubit error rates requires further
advances in the microscopic modeling and control of decoherence mechanisms in superconducting qubits. Piezoelectric interactions contribute to decoherence by mediating energy exchange between microwave photons and acoustic phonons. Centrosymmetric materials like silicon and sapphire do not display piezoelectricity and are the preferred substrates for superconducting qubits. However, the broken centrosymmetry at material interfaces may lead to piezoelectric losses in qubits. While this loss mechanism was predicted two decades ago, interface piezoelectricity has not been experimentally observed in superconducting devices. Here, we report the observation of interface piezoelectricity at an aluminum-silicon junction and show that it constitutes an important loss channel for superconducting devices. We fabricate aluminum interdigital surface acoustic wave transducers on silicon and demonstrate piezoelectric transduction from room temperature to millikelvin temperatures. We find an effective electromechanical coupling factor of K2≈2×10−5% comparable to weakly piezoelectric substrates. We model the impact of the measured interface piezoelectric response on superconducting qubits and find that the piezoelectric surface loss channel limits qubit quality factors to Q∼104−108 for designs with different surface participation ratios and electromechanical mode matching. These results identify electromechanical surface losses as a significant dissipation channel for superconducting qubits, and show the need for heterostructure and phononic engineering to minimize errors in next-generation superconducting qubits.
Revealing the Origin and Nature of the Buried Metal-Substrate Interface Layer in Ta/Sapphire Superconducting Films
Despite constituting a smaller fraction of the qubits electromagnetic mode, surfaces and interfaces can exert significant influence as sources of high-loss tangents, which brings forward
the need to reveal properties of these extended defects and identify routes to their control. Here, we examine the structure and composition of the metal-substrate interfacial layer that exists in Ta/sapphire-based superconducting films. Synchrotron-based X-ray reflectivity measurements of Ta films, commonly used in these qubits, reveal an unexplored interface layer at the metal-substrate interface. Scanning transmission electron microscopy and core-level electron energy loss spectroscopy identified an approximately 0.65 \ \text{nm} \pm 0.05 \ \text{nm} thick intermixing layer at the metal-substrate interface containing Al, O, and Ta atoms. Density functional theory (DFT) modeling reveals that the structure and properties of the Ta/sapphire heterojunctions are determined by the oxygen content on the sapphire surface prior to Ta deposition, as discussed for the limiting cases of Ta films on the O-rich versus Al-rich Al2O3 (0001) surface. By using a multimodal approach, integrating various material characterization techniques and DFT modeling, we have gained deeper insights into the interface layer between the metal and substrate. This intermixing at the metal-substrate interface influences their thermodynamic stability and electronic behavior, which may affect qubit performance.
Remote Entangling Gates for Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots using an Offset-Charge-Sensitive Transmon Coupler
We propose a method to realize microwave-activated CZ gates between two remote spin qubits in quantum dots using an offset-charge-sensitive transmon coupler. The qubits are longitudinally
coupled to the coupler, so that the transition frequency of the coupler depends on the logical qubit states; a capacitive network model using first-quantized charge operators is developed to illustrate this. Driving the coupler transition then implements a conditional phase shift on the qubits. Two pulsing schemes are investigated: a rapid, off-resonant pulse with constant amplitude, and a pulse with envelope engineering that incorporates dynamical decoupling to mitigate charge noise. We develop non-Markovian time-domain simulations to accurately model gate performance in the presence of 1/fβ charge noise. Simulation results indicate that a CZ gate fidelity exceeding 90% is possible with realistic parameters and noise models.
Development of TiN/AlN-based superconducting qubit components
This paper presents the fabrication and characterization of superconducting qubit components from titanium nitride (TiN) and aluminum nitride (AlN) layers to create Josephson junctions
and superconducting resonators in an all-nitride architecture. Our methodology comprises a complete process flow for the fabrication of TiN/AlN/TiN junctions, characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), ellipsometry and DC electrical measurements. We evaluated the sputtering rates of AlN under varied conditions, the critical temperatures of TiN thin films for different sputtering environments, and the internal quality factors of TiN resonators in the few-GHz regime, fabricated from these films. Overall, this offered insights into the material properties critical to qubit performance. Measurements of the dependence of the critical current of the TiN / AlN / TiN junctions yielded values ranging from 150 μA to 2 μA, for AlN barrier thicknesses up to ca. 5 nm, respectively. Our findings demonstrate advances in the fabrication of nitride-based superconducting qubit components, which may find applications in quantum computing technologies based on novel materials.
Realization of Constant-Depth Fan-Out with Real-Time Feedforward on a Superconducting Quantum Processor
When using unitary gate sequences, the growth in depth of many quantum circuits with output size poses significant obstacles to practical quantum computation. The quantum fan-out operation,
which reduces the circuit depth of quantum algorithms such as the quantum Fourier transform and Shor’s algorithm, is an example that can be realized in constant depth independent of the output size. Here, we demonstrate a quantum fan-out gate with real-time feedforward on up to four output qubits using a superconducting quantum processor. By performing quantum state tomography on the output states, we benchmark our gate with input states spanning the entire Bloch sphere. We decompose the output-state error into a set of independently characterized error contributions. We extrapolate our constant-depth circuit to offer a scaling advantage compared to the unitary fan-out sequence beyond 25 output qubits with feedforward control, or beyond 17 output qubits if the classical feedforward latency is negligible. Our work highlights the potential of mid-circuit measurements combined with real-time conditional operations to improve the efficiency of complex quantum algorithms.
In-situ tunable interaction with an invertible sign between a fluxonium and a post cavity
Quantum computation with bosonic modes presents a powerful paradigm for harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex information processing tasks. In constructing
a bosonic qubit with superconducting circuits, nonlinearity is typically introduced to a cavity mode through an ancillary two-level qubit. However, the ancilla’s spurious heating has impeded progress towards fully fault-tolerant bosonic qubits. The ability to in-situ decouple the ancilla when not in use would be beneficial but has not been realized yet. This work presents a novel architecture for quantum information processing, comprising a 3D post cavity coupled to a fluxonium ancilla via a readout resonator. This system’s intricate energy level structure results in a complex landscape of interactions whose sign can be tuned in situ by the magnetic field threading the fluxonium loop. Our results could significantly advance the lifetime and controllability of bosonic qubits.
Synthetic fractional flux quanta in a ring of superconducting qubits
A ring of capacitively-coupled transmons threaded by a synthetic magnetic field is studied as a realization of a strongly interacting bosonic system. The synthetic flux is imparted
through a specific Floquet modulation scheme based on a suitable periodic sequence of Lorentzian pulses that are known as `Levitons‘. Such scheme has the advantage to preserve the translation invariance of the system and to work at the qubits sweet spots. We employ this system to demonstrate the concept of fractional values of flux quanta. Although such fractionalization phenomenon was originally predicted for bright solitons in cold atoms, it may be in fact challenging to access with that platform. Here, we show how fractional flux quanta can be read-out in the absorption spectrum of a suitable ’scattering experiment‘ in which the qubit ring is driven by microwaves.
Deterministic generation of a 20-qubit two-dimensional photonic cluster state
Multidimensional cluster states are a key resource for robust quantum communication, measurement-based quantum computing and quantum metrology. Here, we present a device capable of
emitting large-scale entangled microwave photonic states in a two dimensional ladder structure. The device consists of a pair of coupled superconducting transmon qubits which are each tuneably coupled to a common output waveguide. This architecture permits entanglement between each transmon and a deterministically emitted photonic qubit. By interleaving two-qubit gates with controlled photon emission, we generate 2 x n grids of time- and frequency-multiplexed cluster states of itinerant microwave photons. We measure a signature of localizable entanglement across up to 20 photonic qubits. We expect the device architecture to be capable of generating a wide range of other tensor network states such as tree graph states, repeater states or the ground state of the toric code, and to be readily scalable to generate larger and higher dimensional states.
Tantalum thin films sputtered on silicon and on different seed layers: material characterization and coplanar waveguide resonator performance
Superconducting qubits are a promising platform for large-scale quantum computing. Besides the Josephson junction, most parts of a superconducting qubit are made of planar, patterned
superconducting thin films. In the past, most qubit architectures have relied on niobium (Nb) as the material of choice for the superconducting layer. However, there is also a variety of alternative materials with potentially less losses, which may thereby result in increased qubit performance. One such material is tantalum (Ta), for which high-performance qubit components have already been demonstrated. In this study, we report the sputter-deposition of Ta thin films directly on heated and unheated silicon (Si) substrates as well as onto different, nanometer-thin seed layers from tantalum nitride (TaN), titanium nitride (TiN) or aluminum nitride (AlN) that were deposited first. The thin films are characterized in terms of surface morphology, crystal structure, phase composition, critical temperature, residual resistance ratio (RRR) and RF-performance. We obtain thin films indicative of pure alpha-Ta for high temperature (600°C) sputtering directly on silicon and for Ta deposited on TaN or TiN seed layers. Coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonator measurements show that the Ta deposited directly on the heated silicon substrate performs best with internal quality factors Qi reaching 1 x 106 in the single-photon regime, measured at T=100 mK.
Transmon qubit modeling and characterization for Dark Matter search
This study presents the design, simulation, and experimental characterization of a superconducting transmon qubit circuit prototype for potential applications in dark matter detection
experiments. We describe a planar circuit design featuring two non-interacting transmon qubits, one with fixed frequency and the other flux tunable. Finite-element simulations were employed to extract key Hamiltonian parameters and optimize component geometries. The qubit was fabricated and then characterized at 20 mK, allowing for a comparison between simulated and measured qubit parameters. Good agreement was found for transition frequencies and anharmonicities (within 1\% and 10\% respectively) while coupling strengths exhibited larger discrepancies (30\%). We discuss potential causes for measured coherence times falling below expectations (T1∼1-2 \textmu s) and propose strategies for future design improvements. Notably, we demonstrate the application of a hybrid 3D-2D simulation approach for energy participation ratio evaluation, yielding a more accurate estimation of dielectric losses. This work represents an important first step in developing planar Quantum Non-Demolition (QND) single-photon counters for dark matter searches, particularly for axion and dark photon detection schemes.