Probing the strongly driven spin-boson model in a superconducting quantum circuit

  1. L. Magazzù,
  2. P. Forn-Díaz,
  3. R. Belyansky,
  4. J.-L. Orgiazzi,
  5. M. A. Yurtalan,
  6. M. R. Otto,
  7. A. Lupascu,
  8. C. M. Wilson,
  9. and M. Grifoni
Quantum two-level systems interacting with the surroundings are ubiquitous in nature. The interaction suppresses quantum coherence and forces the system towards a steady state. Such
dissipative processes are captured by the paradigmatic spin-boson model, describing a two-state particle, the „spin“, interacting with an environment formed by harmonic oscillators. A fundamental question to date is to what extent intense coherent driving impacts a strongly dissipative system. Here we investigate experimentally and theoretically a superconducting qubit strongly coupled to an electromagnetic environment and subjected to a coherent drive. This setup realizes the driven Ohmic spin-boson model. We show that the drive reinforces environmental suppression of quantum coherence, and that a coherent-to-incoherent transition can be achieved by tuning the drive amplitude. An out-of-equilibrium detailed balance relation is demonstrated. These results advance fundamental understanding of open quantum systems and bear potential for applications in quantum technologies.

Ultrastrong coupling of a single artificial atom to an electromagnetic continuum

  1. P. Forn-Díaz,
  2. J.J. García-Ripoll,
  3. B. Peropadre,
  4. M. A. Yurtalan,
  5. J.-L. Orgiazzi,
  6. R. Belyansky,
  7. C. M. Wilson,
  8. and A. Lupascu
The study of the interaction of light and matter has led to many fundamental discoveries as well as numerous important technologies. Over the last decades, great strides have been made
in increasing the strength of this interaction at the single-photon level, leading to a continual exploration of new physics and applications. In recent years, a major achievement has been the demonstration of the so-called strong coupling regime, a key advancement enabling great progress in quantum information science. In this work, we demonstrate light-matter interaction over an order of magnitude stronger than previously reported, reaching a new regime of ultrastrong coupling (USC). We achieve this using a superconducting artificial atom tunably coupled to the electromagnetic continuum of a one-dimensional waveguide. For the largest values of the coupling, the spontaneous emission rate of the atom is comparable to its transition frequency. In this USC regime, the conventional quantum description of the atom and light as distinct entities breaks down, and a new description in terms of hybrid states is required. Our results open the door to a wealth of new physics and applications. Beyond light-matter interaction itself, the tunability of our system makes it promising as a tool to study a number of important physical systems such as the well-known spin-boson and Kondo models.