Quantum simulation of the spin-boson model in a microwave circuit

  1. Juha Leppäkangas,
  2. Jochen Braumüller,
  3. Alexey V. Ustinov,
  4. Martin Weides,
  5. and Michael Marthaler
We consider superconducting circuits for the purpose of simulating the spin-boson model. The spin-boson model consists of a single two-level system coupled to bosonic modes. In most cases, the model is considered in a limit where the bosonic modes are sufficiently dense to form a continuous spectral bath. A very well known case is the Ohmic bath, where the density of states grows linearly with the frequency. In the limit of weak coupling or large temperature, this problem can be solved numerically. If the coupling is strong, the bosonic modes can become sufficiently excited to make a classical simulation impossible. Quantum simulation of this problem can be done by coupling a superconducting qubit to a specifically engineered electromagnetic environment. We discuss in detail how to build a bosonic bath using superconducting resonators and how to achieve strong couplings by additional driving. We also discuss how interesting spin dynamics with different initialization conditions can be probed by using standard techniques from circuit quantum electrodynamics.

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