Large-scale GHZ states through topologically protected zero-energy mode in a superconducting qutrit-resonator chain

  1. Jin-Xuan Han,
  2. Jin-Lei Wu,
  3. Yan Wang,
  4. Yan Xia,
  5. Yong-Yuan Jiang,
  6. and Jie Song
We propose a superconducting qutrit-resonator chain model, and analytically work out forms of its topological edge states. The existence of the zero-energy mode enables to generate
a state transfer between two ends of the chain, accompanied with state flips of all intermediate qutrits, based on which N-body Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states can be generated with great robustness against disorders of coupling strengths. Three schemes of generating large-scale GHZ states are designed, each of which possesses the robustness against loss of qutrits or of resonators, meeting a certain performance requirement of different experimental devices. With experimentally feasible qutrit-resonator coupling strengths and available coherence times of qutrits and resonators, it has a potential to generate large-scale GHZ states among dozens of qutrits with a high fidelity. Further, we show the experimental consideration of generating GHZ states based on the circuit QED system, and discuss the prospect of realizing fast GHZ states.