Simulation and Detection of Photonic Chern Insulators in One-Dimensional Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Lattice

  1. Feng Mei,
  2. Jia-Bin You,
  3. Wei Nie,
  4. R. Fazio,
  5. Shi-Liang Zhu,
  6. and L. C. Kwek
We introduce a simple method to realize and detect photonic topological Chern insulators with one-dimensional circiut quantum electrodynamics arrays. By periodically modulating the
couplings of the array, we show that this one-dimensional model can be mapped into a two-dimensional Chern insulator model. In addition to allow the study of photonic Chern insulators, this approach also provides a natural platform to realise experimentally Laughlin’s pumping argument. Based on scattering theory of topological insulators and input-output formalism, we show that the photonic edge state can be probed directly and the topological invariant can be detected from the winding number of the reflection coefficient phase.