qubits are expected to offer exponential protection against both energy relaxation and pure dephasing, simpler circuits may grant partial protection with currently achievable parameters. Here, we study a fluxonium circuit in which the wave-functions are engineered to minimize their overlap while benefiting from a first-order-insensitive flux sweet spot. Taking advantage of a large superinductance (L∼1 μH), our circuit incorporates a resonant tunneling mechanism at zero external flux that couples states with the same fluxon parity, thus enabling bifluxon tunneling. The states |0⟩ and |1⟩ are encoded in wave-functions with parities 0 and 1, respectively, ensuring a minimal form of protection against relaxation. Two-tone spectroscopy reveals the energy level structure of the circuit and the presence of 4π quantum-phase slips between different potential wells corresponding to m=±1 fluxons, which can be precisely described by a simple fluxonium Hamiltonian or by an effective bifluxon Hamiltonian. Despite suboptimal fabrication, the measured relaxation (T1=177±3 μs) and dephasing (TE2=75±5 μs) times not only demonstrate the relevance of our approach but also opens an alternative direction towards quantum computing using partially-protected fluxonium qubits.
Using bi-fluxon tunneling to protect the Fluxonium qubit
Encoding quantum information in quantum states with disjoint wave-function support and noise insensitive energies is the key behind the idea of qubit protection. While fully protected