share a common Purcell filter with restricted bandwidth. Nevertheless, variations in inter-chip spacing can considerably influence these frequencies. To tackle this issue, we present and experimentally validate the effectiveness of a resonator design. In our design, we etch portions of the metal on the bottom chip that faces the resonator structure on the top chip. This enhanced design substantially improves frequency stability by a factor of over 3.5 compared to the non-optimized design, as evaluated by the root mean square error of a linear fitting of the observed frequency distribution, which is intended to be linear. This advancement is crucial for successful scale-up and achievement of high-fidelity quantum operations.
Optimizing Resonator Frequency Stability in Flip-Chip Architectures: A Novel Experimental Design Approach
In multi-qubit superconducting systems utilizing flip-chip technology, achieving high accuracy in resonator frequencies is of paramount importance, particularly when multiple resonators