Field-Based Formalism for Calculating Multi-Qubit Exchange Coupling Rates for Transmon Qubits

  1. Ghazi Khan,
  2. and Thomas E. Roth
Superconducting qubits are one of the most mature platforms for quantum computing, but significant performance improvements are still needed. To improve the engineering of these systems,
3D full-wave computational electromagnetics analyses are increasingly being used. Unfortunately, existing analysis approaches often rely on full-wave simulations using eigenmode solvers that are typically cumbersome, not robust, and computationally prohibitive if devices with more than a few qubits are to be analyzed. To improve the characterization of superconducting circuits while circumventing these drawbacks, this work begins the development of an alternative framework that we illustrate in the context of evaluating the qubit-qubit exchange coupling rate between transmon qubits. This is a key design parameter that determines the entanglement rate for fast multi-qubit gate performance and also affects decoherence sources like qubit crosstalk. Our modeling framework uses a field-based formalism in the context of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics, which we use to show that the qubit-qubit exchange coupling rate can be related to the electromagnetic dyadic Green’s function linking the qubits together. We further show how the quantity involving the dyadic Green’s function can be related to the impedance response of the system that can be efficiently computed with classical computational electromagnetics tools. We demonstrate the validity and efficacy of this approach by simulating four practical multi-qubit superconducting circuits and evaluating their qubit-qubit exchange coupling rates. We validate our results against a 3D numerical diagonalization method and against experimental data where available. We also demonstrate the impact of the qubit-qubit exchange coupling rate on qubit crosstalk by simulating a multi-coupler device and identifying operating points where the qubit crosstalk becomes zero.

Analytical Quantum Full-Wave Solutions for a 3D Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics System

  1. Soomin Moon,
  2. Dong-Yeop Na,
  3. and Thomas E. Roth
High-fidelity general-purpose numerical methods are increasingly needed to improve superconducting circuit quantum information processor performance. One challenge in developing such
numerical methods is the lack of reference data to validate them. To address this, we have designed a 3D system where all electromagnetic properties needed in a quantum analysis can be evaluated using analytical techniques from classical electromagnetic theory. Here, we review the basics of our field-based quantization method and then use these techniques to create the first-ever analytical quantum full-wave solution for a superconducting circuit quantum device. Specifically, we analyze a coaxial-fed 3D waveguide cavity with and without transmon quantum bits inside the cavity. We validate our analytical solutions by comparing them to numerical methods in evaluating single photon interference and computing key system parameters related to controlling quantum bits. In the future, our analytical solutions can be used to validate numerical methods, as well as build intuition about important quantum effects in realistic 3D devices.

One-Dimensional Maxwell-Schrodinger Hybrid Simulation of Transmon Qubits

  1. Thomas E. Roth,
  2. and Samuel T. Elkin
Transmon quantum bits (qubits) are one of the most popular experimental platforms currently being pursued for developing quantum information processing technologies. In these devices,
applied microwave pulses are used to control and measure the state of the transmon qubit. Currently, the design of the microwave pulses for these purposes is done through simple theoretical and/or numerical models that neglect how the transmon can modify the applied microwave field. In this work, we present the formulation and finite element time domain discretization of a semiclassical Maxwell-Schrodinger hybrid method for describing the dynamics of a transmon qubit capacitively coupled to a transmission line system. Numerical results are presented using this Maxwell-Schrodinger method to characterize the control and measurement of the state of a transmon qubit. We show that our method matches standard theoretical predictions in relevant operating regimes, and also show that our method produces physically meaningful results in situations where the theoretical models break down. In the future, our method can be used to explore broader operating regimes to search for more effective control and measurement protocols for transmon qubits.

Full-Wave Methodology to Compute the Spontaneous Emission Rate of a Transmon Qubit

  1. Thomas E. Roth,
  2. and Weng C. Chew
The spontaneous emission rate (SER) is an important figure of merit for any quantum bit (qubit), as it can play a significant role in the control and decoherence of the qubit. As a
result, accurately characterizing the SER for practical devices is an important step in the design of quantum information processing devices. Here, we specifically focus on the experimentally popular platform of a transmon qubit, which is a kind of superconducting circuit qubit. Despite the importance of understanding the SER of these qubits, it is often determined using approximate circuit models or is inferred from measurements on a fabricated device. To improve the accuracy of predictions in the design process, it is better to use full-wave numerical methods that can make a minimal number of approximations in the description of practical systems. In this work, we show how this can be done with a recently developed field-based description of transmon qubits coupled to an electromagnetic environment. We validate our model by computing the SER for devices similar to those found in the literature that have been well-characterized experimentally. We further cross-validate our results by comparing them to simplified lumped element circuit and transmission line models as appropriate.

An Introduction to the Transmon Qubit for Electromagnetic Engineers

  1. Thomas E. Roth,
  2. Ruichao Ma,
  3. and Weng C. Chew
One of the most popular approaches being pursued to achieve a quantum advantage with practical hardware are superconducting circuit devices. Although significant progress has been made
over the previous two decades, substantial engineering efforts are required to scale these devices so they can be used to solve many problems of interest. Unfortunately, much of this exciting field is described using technical jargon and concepts from physics that are unfamiliar to a classically trained electromagnetic engineer. As a result, this work is often difficult for engineers to become engaged in. We hope to lower the barrier to this field by providing an accessible review of one of the most prevalently used quantum bits (qubits) in superconducting circuit systems, the transmon qubit. Most of the physics of these systems can be understood intuitively with only some background in quantum mechanics. As a result, we avoid invoking quantum mechanical concepts except where it is necessary to ease the transition between details in this work and those that would be encountered in the literature. We believe this leads to a gentler introduction to this fascinating field, and hope that more researchers from the classical electromagnetic community become engaged in this area in the future.

Circuit quantum electrodynamics: A new look toward developing full-wave numerical models

  1. Thomas E. Roth,
  2. and Weng C. Chew
Devices built using circuit quantum electrodynamics architectures are one of the most popular approaches currently being pursued to develop quantum information processing hardware.
Although significant progress has been made over the previous two decades, there remain many technical issues limiting the performance of fabricated systems. Addressing these issues is made difficult by the absence of rigorous numerical modeling approaches. This work begins to address this issue by providing a new mathematical description of one of the most commonly used circuit quantum electrodynamics systems, a transmon qubit coupled to microwave transmission lines. Expressed in terms of three-dimensional vector fields, our new model is better suited to developing numerical solvers than the circuit element descriptions commonly used in the literature. We present details on the quantization of our new model, and derive quantum equations of motion for the coupled field-transmon system. These results can be used in developing full-wave numerical solvers in the future. To make this work more accessible to the engineering community, we assume only a limited amount of training in quantum physics and provide many background details throughout derivations.