Emergent photon pair propagation in circuit QED with superconducting processors

  1. Sayan Lahiri,
  2. Suman Mondal,
  3. Kanhaiya Pandey,
  4. and Tapan Mishra
We propose a method to achieve photon pair propagation in an array of three-level superconducting circuits. Assuming experimentally accessible three-level artificial atoms with strong
anharmonicity coupled via microwave transmission lines in both one and two dimensions we analyze the circuit Quantum Electrodynamics(QED) of the system. We explicitly show that for a suitable choice of the coupling ratio between different levels, the single photon propagation is suppressed and the propagation of photon pairs emerges. This propagation of photon pairs leads to the pair superfluid of polaritons associated to the system. We compute the complete phase diagram of the polariton quantum matter revealing the pair superfluid phase which is sandwiched between the vacuum and the Mott insulator state corresponding to the polariton density equal to two in the strong coupling regime.