Superconducting circuits are an extremely versatile platform to realize quantum information hardware, and, as was recently realized, to emulate topological materials, such as three-dimensionalWeyl semimetals or two-dimensional Chern insulators. We here show how a simple arrangement of capacitors and conventional superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions can realize a nonlinear capacitive element with a surprising property: it can be quasiperiodic with respect to the quantized Cooper-pair charge. Integrating this element into a larger circuit opens the door towards the engineering of an even broader class of systems. First, we use it to simulate a protected Dirac material defined in the transport degrees of freedom. The presence of the Dirac points leads to a suppression of the classical part of the finite-frequency current noise. Second, we exploit the quasiperiodicity to implement the Aubry-André model, and thereby emulate Anderson localization in charge space. Importantly, the realization by means of transport degrees of freedom allows for a straightforward generalization to arbitrary dimensions. Moreover, our setup implements a truly non-interacting version of the model, in which the macroscopic quantum mechanics of the circuit already incorporates microscopic interaction effects. We propose that measurements of the quantum fluctuations of the charge can be used to directly probe the localization effect. Finally, we present an outlook in which the nonlinear capacitance is employed in a quantum circuit emulating a magic-angle effect akin to twisted bilayer graphene.
Quantum circuit theory has become a powerful and indispensable tool to predict the dynamics of superconducting circuits. Surprisingly however, the question of how to properly accountfor a time-dependent driving via external magnetic fields has hardly been addressed so far. Here, we derive a general recipe to construct a low-energy Hamiltonian, taking as input only the circuit geometry and the solution of the external magnetic fields. A gauge fixing procedure for the scalar and vector potentials is given which assures that time-varying magnetic fluxes make contributions only to the potential function in the Schrödinger equation. Our proposed procedure is valid for continuum geometries and thus significantly generalizes previous efforts, which were based on discrete circuits. We study some implications of our results for the concrete example of a parallel-plate SQUID circuit. We show that if we insist on representing the response of this SQUID with individual, discrete capacitances associated with each individual Josephson junction, this is only possible if we permit the individual capacitance values to be negative, time-dependent or even momentarily singular. Finally, we provide some experimentally testable predictions, such as a strong enhancement of the qubit relaxation rates arising from the effective negative capacitances, and the emergence of a Berry phase due to time dependence of these capacitances.
The outlook of protected quantum computing spurred enormous progress in the search for topological materials, sustaining a continued race to find the most experimentally feasible platform.Here, we show that one of the simplest quantum circuits, the Cooper-pair transistor, exhibits a nontrivial Chern number which has not yet been discussed, in spite of the exhaustive existing literature. Surprisingly, the resulting quantized current response is robust with respect to a large number of external perturbations, most notably low-frequency charge noise and quasiparticle poisoning. Moreover, the fact that the higher bands experience crossings with higher topological charge leads to all the bands having the same Chern number, such that there is no restriction to stay close to the ground state. Remaining small perturbations are investigated based on a generic Master equation approach. Finally, we discuss feasible protocols to measure the quantized current.
Quasiparticles represent an intrinsic source of perturbation for superconducting qubits, leading to both dissipation of the qubit energy and dephasing. Recently, it has been shown thatnormal-metal traps may efficiently reduce the quasiparticle population and improve the qubit lifetime, provided the trap surpasses a certain characteristic size. Moreover, while the trap itself introduces new relaxation mechanisms, they are not expected to harm state-of-the-art transmon qubits under the condition that the traps are not placed too close to extremal positions where electric fields are high. Here, we study a different type of trap, realized through gap engineering. We find that gap-engineered traps relax the remaining constraints imposed on normal metal traps. Firstly, the characteristic trap size, above which the trap is efficient, is reduced with respect to normal metal traps, such that here, strong traps are possible in smaller devices. Secondly, the losses caused by the trap are now greatly reduced, providing more flexibility in trap placement. The latter point is of particular importance, since for efficient protection from quasiparticles, the traps ideally should be placed close to the active parts of the qubit device, where electric fields are typically high.
Quasiparticles are an intrinsic source of relaxation and decoherence for superconducting qubits. Recent works have shown that normal-metal traps may be used to evacuate quasiparticles,and potentially improve the qubit life time. Here, we investigate how far the normal metals themselves may introduce qubit relaxation. We identify the ohmic losses inside the normal metal and the tunnelling current through the normal metal-superconductor interface as the relevant relaxation mechanisms. We show that the ohmic loss contribution depends strongly on the device and trap geometry, as a result of the inhomogeneous electric fields in the qubit. The correction of the quality factor due to the tunnelling current on the other hand is highly sensitive to the nonequilibrium distribution function of the quasiparticles. Overall, we show that even when choosing less than optimal parameters, the presence of normal-metal traps does not affect the quality factor of state-of-the-art qubits.