Circuit quantization with time-dependent magnetic fields for realistic geometries

  1. Roman-Pascal Riwar,
  2. and David P. DiVincenzo
Quantum circuit theory has become a powerful and indispensable tool to predict the dynamics of superconducting circuits. Surprisingly however, the question of how to properly account for a time-dependent driving via external magnetic fields has hardly been addressed so far. Here, we derive a general recipe to construct a low-energy Hamiltonian, taking as input only the circuit geometry and the solution of the external magnetic fields. A gauge fixing procedure for the scalar and vector potentials is given which assures that time-varying magnetic fluxes make contributions only to the potential function in the Schrödinger equation. Our proposed procedure is valid for continuum geometries and thus significantly generalizes previous efforts, which were based on discrete circuits. We study some implications of our results for the concrete example of a parallel-plate SQUID circuit. We show that if we insist on representing the response of this SQUID with individual, discrete capacitances associated with each individual Josephson junction, this is only possible if we permit the individual capacitance values to be negative, time-dependent or even momentarily singular. Finally, we provide some experimentally testable predictions, such as a strong enhancement of the qubit relaxation rates arising from the effective negative capacitances, and the emergence of a Berry phase due to time dependence of these capacitances.

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