Implementing a Ternary Decomposition of the Toffoli Gate on Fixed-FrequencyTransmon Qutrits

  1. Alexey Galda,
  2. Michael Cubeddu,
  3. Naoki Kanazawa,
  4. Prineha Narang,
  5. and Nathan Earnest-Noble
Quantum computation is conventionally performed using quantum operations acting on two-level quantum bits, or qubits. Qubits in modern quantum computers suffer from inevitable detrimental
interactions with the environment that cause errors during computation, with multi-qubit operations often being a primary limitation. Most quantum devices naturally have multiple accessible energy levels beyond the lowest two traditionally used to define a qubit. Qudits offer a larger state space to store and process quantum information, reducing complexity of quantum circuits and improving efficiency of quantum algorithms. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a ternary decomposition of a multi-qubit operation on cloud-enabled fixed-frequency superconducting transmons. Specifically, we realize an order-preserving Toffoli gate consisting of four two-transmon operations, whereas the optimal order-preserving binary decomposition uses eight \texttt{CNOT}s on a linear transmon topology. Both decompositions are benchmarked via truth table fidelity where the ternary approach outperforms on most sets of transmons on \texttt{ibmq\_jakarta}, and is further benchmarked via quantum process tomography on one set of transmons to achieve an average gate fidelity of 78.00\% ± 1.93\%.

A Phononic Bus for Coherent Interfaces Between a Superconducting Quantum Processor, Spin Memory, and Photonic Quantum Networks

  1. Tomas Neuman,
  2. Matt Eichenfield,
  3. Matthew Trusheim,
  4. Lisa Hackett,
  5. Prineha Narang,
  6. and Dirk Englund
We introduce a method for high-fidelity quantum state transduction between a superconducting microwave qubit and the ground state spin system of a solid-state artificial atom, mediated
via an acoustic bus connected by piezoelectric transducers. Applied to present-day experimental parameters for superconducting circuit qubits and diamond silicon vacancy centers in an optimized phononic cavity, we estimate quantum state transduction with fidelity exceeding 99\% at a MHz-scale bandwidth. By combining the complementary strengths of superconducting circuit quantum computing and artificial atoms, the hybrid architecture provides high-fidelity qubit gates with long-lived quantum memory, high-fidelity measurement, large qubit number, reconfigurable qubit connectivity, and high-fidelity state and gate teleportation through optical quantum networks.