Randomized benchmarking of a high-fidelity remote CNOT gate over a meter-scale microwave interconnect

  1. Kentaro Heya,
  2. Timothy Phung,
  3. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  4. Rachel Steiner,
  5. Marco Turchetti,
  6. William Shanks,
  7. John Mamin,
  8. Wen-Sen Lu,
  9. Yadav Prasad Kandel,
  10. Neereja Sundaresan,
  11. and Jason Orcutt
In the modular superconducting quantum processor architecture, high-fidelity, meter-scale microwave interconnect between processor modules is a key technology for extending system size
beyond constraints imposed by device manufacturing equipment, yield, and signal delivery. While there have been many demonstrations of remote state transfer between modules, these relied on tomographic experiments for benchmarking, but this technique does not reliably separate State Preparation And Measurement (SPAM) error from error per state transfer. Recent developments based on randomized benchmarking provide a compatible theory for separating these two errors. In this work, we present a module-to-module interconnect based on Tunable-Coupling Qubits (TCQs) and benchmark, in a SPAM error tolerant manner, a remote state transfer fidelity of 0.988 across a 60cm long coplanar waveguide (CPW). The state transfer is implemented via superadiabatic transitionless driving method, which suppresses intermediate excitation in internal modes of CPW. We also introduce the frame tracking technique to correct unintended qubit phase rotations before and after the state transfers, which enables the SPAM-error-tolerant benchmarking of the state transfers. We further propose and construct a remote CNOT gate between modules, composed of local CZ gates in each module and remote state transfers, and report a high gate fidelity of 0.933 using randomized benchmarking method. The remote CNOT construction and benchmarking we present is a more complete metric that fully characterizes the module to module link operation going forward as it more closely represents interconnect operation in a circuit.

Optimization of the resonator-induced phase gate for superconducting qubits

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  2. William Shanks,
  3. and Hanhee Paik
The resonator-induced phase gate is a two-qubit operation in which driving a bus resonator induces a state-dependent phase shift on the qubits equivalent to an effective ZZ interaction.
In principle, the dispersive nature of the gate offers flexibility for qubit parameters. However, the drive can cause resonator and qubit leakage, the physics of which cannot be fully captured using either the existing Jaynes-Cummings or Kerr models. In this paper, we adopt an ab-initio model based on Josephson nonlinearity for transmon qubits. The ab-initio analysis agrees well with the Kerr model in terms of capturing the effective ZZ interaction in the weak-drive dispersive regime. In addition, however, it reveals numerous leakage transitions involving high-excitation qubit states. We analyze the physics behind such novel leakage channels, demonstrate the connection with specific qubits-resonator frequency collisions, and lay out a plan towards device parameter optimization. We show this type of leakage can be substantially suppressed using very weakly anharmonic transmons. In particular, weaker qubit anharmonicity mitigates both collision density and leakage amplitude, while larger qubit frequency moves the collisions to occur only at large anharmonicity not relevant to experiment. Our work is broadly applicable to the physics of weakly anharmonic transmon qubits coupled to linear resonators. In particular, our analysis confirms and generalizes the measurement-induced state transitions noted in Sank et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 190503) and lays the groundwork for both strong-drive resonator-induced phase gate implementation and strong-drive dispersive qubit measurement.

Lifetime renormalization of driven weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: II. The readout problem

  1. Alexandru Petrescu,
  2. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  3. and Hakan E. Türeci
Recent experiments in superconducting qubit systems have shown an unexpectedly strong dependence of the qubit relaxation rate on the readout drive power. This phenomenon limits the
maximum measurement strength and thus the achievable readout speed and fidelity. We address this problem here and provide a plausible mechanism for drive-power dependence of relaxation rates. To this end we introduce a two-parameter perturbative expansion in qubit anharmonicity and the drive amplitude through a unitary transformation technique introduced in Part I. This approach naturally reveals number non-conserving terms in the Josephson potential as a fundamental mechanism through which applied microwave drives can activate additional relaxation mechanisms. We present our results in terms of an effective master equation with renormalized state- and drive-dependent transition frequency and relaxation rates. Comparison of numerical results from this effective master equation to those obtained from a Lindblad master equation which only includes number-conserving terms (i.e. Kerr interactions) shows that number non-conserving terms can lead to significant drive-power dependence of the relaxation rates. The systematic expansion technique introduced here is of general applicability to obtaining effective master equations for driven-dissipative quantum systems that contain weakly non-linear degrees of freedom.

Lifetime renormalization of weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: I. Role of number non-conserving terms

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  2. Alexandru Petrescu,
  3. and Hakan E. Türeci
An outstanding challenge in superconducting quantum computing is the determination of an accurate effective model for a particular experiment. In practice, the dynamics of a superconducting
qubit in a complex electromagnetic environment can be described by an effective multimode Kerr Hamiltonian at sufficiently weak excitation. This Hamiltonian can be embedded in a master equation with losses determined by the details of the electromagnetic environment. Recent experiments indicate, however, that when a superconducting circuit is driven with microwave signals the observed relaxation rates appear to be substantially different from expectations based on the electromagnetic environment of the qubit alone. This issue has been most notorious in the optimization of superconducting qubit readout schemes. We claim here that an effective master equation with drive-power dependent parameters is the most resource-efficient approach to model such quantum dynamics. In this sequence of papers we derive effective master equations whose parameters depend on the excitation level of the circuit and the electromagnetic environment of the qubit. We show that the number non-conserving terms in the qubit nonlinearity generally lead to a renormalization of dissipative parameters of the effective master equation, while the number-conserving terms give rise to a renormalization of the system frequencies. Here, in Part I, we consider the dynamics of a transmon qubit that is prepared in an initial state of a certain excitation level, but is not driven otherwise. For two different electromagnetic environments, an infinite waveguide and an open resonator, we show that the renormalized parameters display a strong dependence on the details of the electromagnetic environment of the qubit. The perturbation technique based on unitary transformations developed here is generalized to the continuously driven case in Part II.

Heisenberg-Langevin Formalism For Open Circuit-QED Systems

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh
We present a Heisenberg-Langevin formalism to study the effective dynamics of a superconducting qubit coupled to an open multimode resonator, without resorting to the rotating wave,
two level, Born or Markov approximations. Our effective equations are derived by eliminating resonator degrees of freedom while encoding their effect in the Green’s function of the electromagnetic background. We account for the openness of the resonator exactly by employing a spectral representation for the Green’s function in terms of a set of non-Hermitian modes. A well-behaved time domain perturbation theory is derived to systematically account for the nonlinearity of weakly nonlinear qubits like transmon. We apply this method to the problem of spontaneous emission, capturing accurately the non-Markovian features of the qubit dynamics, valid for any qubit-resonator coupling strength. Any discrete-level quantum system coupled to the electromagnetic continuum is subject to radiative decay and renormalization of its energy levels. When inside a cavity, these quantities can be strongly modified with respect to vacuum. Generally, this modification can be captured by including only the closest resonant cavity mode. In circuit-QED architecture, with substantial coupling strengths, it is however found that such rates are strongly influenced by far off-resonant modes. A multimode calculation over the infinite set of cavity modes leads to divergences unless an artificial cutoff is imposed. Previous studies have not pointed out what the source of this divergence is. We show that unless the effect of A2 is accounted for up to all orders exactly, any multimode calculations of circuit-QED quantities is bound to diverge. Subsequently, we present the calculation of finite radiative corrections to qubit properties that is free of an artificially introduced high frequency cut-off.

Cutoff-free Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  2. Alexandru Petrescu,
  3. and Hakan E. Türeci
Any quantum-confined electronic system coupled to the electromagnetic continuum is subject to radiative decay and renormalization of its energy levels. When coupled to a cavity, these
quantities can be strongly modified with respect to their values in vacuum. Generally, this modification can be accurately captured by including only the closest resonant mode of the cavity. In the circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture, where the coupling strengths can be substantial, it is however found that the radiative decay rates are strongly influenced by far off-resonant modes. A multimode calculation accounting for the infinite set of cavity modes leads to divergences unless a cutoff is imposed. It has so far not been identified what the source of divergence is. We show here that unless gauge invariance is respected, any attempt at the calculation of circuit QED quantities is bound to diverge. We then present a theoretical approach to the calculation of a finite spontaneous emission rate and the Lamb shift that is free of cutoff.

Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in an open multimode resonator

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  2. Alexandru Petrescu,
  3. and Hakan E. Türeci
We study the dynamics of a transmon qubit that is capacitively coupled to an open multimode superconducting resonator. Our effective equations are derived by eliminating resonator degrees
of freedom while encoding their effect in the Green’s function of the electromagnetic background. We account for the dissipation of the resonator exactly by employing a spectral representation for the Green’s function in terms of a set of non-Hermitian modes and show that it is possible to derive effective Heisenberg-Langevin equations without resorting to the rotating wave, two level or Markov approximations. A well-behaved time domain perturbation theory is derived to systematically account for the nonlinearity of the transmon. We apply this method to the problem of spontaneous emission, capturing accurately the non-Markovian features of the qubit dynamics, valid for any qubit-resonator coupling strength.

Origin and Implications of A2-like Contribution in the Quantization of Circuit-QED Systems

  1. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  2. and Hakan E. Tureci
By placing an atom into a cavity, the electromagnetic mode structure of the cavity is modified. In Cavity QED, one manifestation of this phenomenon is the appearance of a gauge-dependent
diamagnetic term, known as the A2 contribution. Although in atomic Cavity QED, the resulting modification in the eigenmodes is negligible, in recent superconducting circuit realizations, such corrections can be observable and may have qualitative implications. We revisit the canonical quantization procedure of a circuit QED system consisting of a single superconducting transmon qubit coupled to a multimode superconducting microwave resonator. A complete derivation of the quantum Hamiltonian of an open circuit QED system consisting of a transmon qubit coupled to a leaky transmission line cavity is presented. We introduce a complete set of modes that properly conserves the current in the entire structure and present a sum rule for the dipole transition matrix elements of a multi-level transmon qubit coupled to a multi-mode cavity. Finally, an effective multi-mode Rabi model is derived with coefficients that are given in terms of circuit parameters.

Beyond Strong Coupling in a Massively Multimode Cavity

  1. Neereja M. Sundaresan,
  2. Yanbing Liu,
  3. Darius Sadri,
  4. Laszlo J. Szocs,
  5. Devin L. Underwood,
  6. Moein Malekakhlagh,
  7. Hakan E. Tureci,
  8. and Andrew A. Houck
The study of light-matter interaction has seen a resurgence in recent years, stimulated by highly controllable, precise, and modular experiments in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED).
The achievement of strong coupling, where the coupling between a single atom and fundamental cavity mode exceeds the decay rates, was a major milestone that opened the doors to a multitude of new investigations. Here we introduce multimode strong coupling (MMSC), where the coupling is comparable to the free spectral range (FSR) of the cavity, i.e. the rate at which a qubit can absorb a photon from the cavity is comparable to the round trip transit rate of a photon in the cavity. We realize, via the circuit QED architecture, the first experiment accessing the MMSC regime, and report remarkably widespread and structured resonance fluorescence, whose origin extends beyond cavity enhancement of sidebands. Our results capture complex multimode, multiphoton processes, and the emergence of ultranarrow linewidths. Beyond the novel phenomena presented here, MMSC opens a major new direction in the exploration of light-matter interactions.