Tunable directional photon scattering from a pair of superconducting qubits

  1. Elena S. Redchenko,
  2. Alexander V. Poshakinskiy,
  3. Riya Sett,
  4. Martin Zemlicka,
  5. Alexander N. Poddubny,
  6. and Johannes M. Fink
The ability to control the direction of scattered light in integrated devices is crucial to provide the flexibility and scalability for a wide range of on-chip applications, such as
integrated photonics, quantum information processing and nonlinear optics. In the optical and microwave frequency ranges tunable directionality can be achieved by applying external magnetic fields, that modify optical selection rules, by using nonlinear effects, or interactions with vibrations. However, these approaches are less suitable to control propagation of microwave photons inside integrated superconducting quantum devices, that is highly desirable. Here, we demonstrate tunable directional scattering with just two transmon qubits coupled to a transmission line based on periodically modulated transition frequency. By changing the symmetry of the modulation, governed by the relative phase between the local modulation tones, we achieve directional forward or backward photon scattering.

A superconducting qubit with noise-insensitive plasmon levels and decay-protected fluxon states

  1. Farid Hassani,
  2. Matilda Peruzzo,
  3. Lucky N. Kapoor,
  4. Andrea Trioni,
  5. Martin Zemlicka,
  6. and Johannes M. Fink
The inductively shunted transmon (IST) is a superconducting qubit with exponentially suppressed fluxon transitions and a plasmon spectrum approximating that of the transmon. It shares
many characteristics with the transmon but offers charge offset insensitivity for all levels and precise flux tunability with quadratic flux noise suppression. In this work we propose and realize IST qubits deep in the transmon limit where the large geometric inductance acts as a mere perturbation. With a flux dispersion of only 5.1 MHz we reach the ’sweet-spot everywhere‘ regime of a SQUID device with a stable coherence time over a full flux quantum. Close to the flux degeneracy point the device reveals tunneling physics between the two quasi-degenerate ground states with typical observed lifetimes on the order of minutes. In the future, this qubit regime could be used to avoid leakage to unconfined transmon states in high-power read-out or driven-dissipative bosonic qubit realizations. Moreover, the combination of well controllable plasmon transitions together with stable fluxon states in a single device might offer a way forward towards improved qubit encoding schemes.

Geometric superinductance qubits: Controlling phase delocalization across a single Josephson junction

  1. Matilda Peruzzo,
  2. Farid Hassani,
  3. Gregory Szep,
  4. Andrea Trioni,
  5. Elena Redchenko,
  6. Martin Žemlička,
  7. and Johannes Fink
There are two elementary superconducting qubit types that derive directly from the quantum harmonic oscillator. In one the inductor is replaced by a nonlinear Josephson junction to
realize the widely used charge qubits with a compact phase variable and a discrete charge wavefunction. In the other the junction is added in parallel, which gives rise to an extended phase variable, continuous wavefunctions and a rich energy level structure due to the loop topology. While the corresponding rf-SQUID Hamiltonian was introduced as a quadratic, quasi-1D potential approximation to describe the fluxonium qubit implemented with long Josephson junction arrays, in this work we implement it directly using a linear superinductor formed by a single uninterrupted aluminum wire. We present a large variety of qubits all stemming from the same circuit but with drastically different characteristic energy scales. This includes flux and fluxonium qubits but also the recently introduced quasi-charge qubit with strongly enhanced zero point phase fluctuations and a heavily suppressed flux dispersion. The use of a geometric inductor results in high precision of the inductive and capacitive energy as guaranteed by top-down lithography – a key ingredient for intrinsically protected superconducting qubits. The geometric fluxonium also exhibits a large magnetic dipole, which renders it an interesting new candidate for quantum sensing applications.