Quantum computers process information with the laws of quantum mechanics. Current quantum hardware is noisy, can only store information for a short time, and is limited to a few quantumbits, i.e., qubits, typically arranged in a planar connectivity. However, many applications of quantum computing require more connectivity than the planar lattice offered by the hardware on more qubits than is available on a single quantum processing unit (QPU). Here we overcome these limitations with error mitigated dynamic circuits and circuit-cutting to create quantum states requiring a periodic connectivity employing up to 142 qubits spanning multiple QPUs connected in real-time with a classical link. In a dynamic circuit, quantum gates can be classically controlled by the outcomes of mid-circuit measurements within run-time, i.e., within a fraction of the coherence time of the qubits. Our real-time classical link allows us to apply a quantum gate on one QPU conditioned on the outcome of a measurement on another QPU which enables a modular scaling of quantum hardware. Furthermore, the error mitigated control-flow enhances qubit connectivity and the instruction set of the hardware thus increasing the versatility of our quantum computers. Dynamic circuits and quantum modularity are thus key to scale quantum computers and make them useful.
Extracting the Hamiltonian of interacting quantum-information processing systems is a keystone problem in the realization of complex phenomena and large-scale quantum computers. Theremarkable growth of the field increasingly requires precise, widely-applicable, and modular methods that can model the quantum electrodynamics of the physical circuits, and even of their more-subtle renormalization effects. Here, we present a computationally-efficient method satisfying these criteria. The method partitions a quantum device into compact lumped or quasi-distributed cells. Each is first simulated individually. The composite system is then reduced and mapped to a set of simple subsystem building blocks and their pairwise interactions. The method operates within the quasi-lumped approximation and, with no further approximation, systematically accounts for constraints, couplings, parameter renormalizations, and non-perturbative loading effects. We experimentally validate the method on large-scale, state-of-the-art superconducting quantum processors. We find that the full method improves the experimental agreement by a factor of two over taking standard coupling approximations when tested on the most sensitive and dressed Hamiltonian parameters of the measured devices.
The execution of quantum circuits on real systems has largely been limited to those which are simply time-ordered sequences of unitary operations followed by a projective measurement.As hardware platforms for quantum computing continue to mature in size and capability, it is imperative to enable quantum circuits beyond their conventional construction. Here we break into the realm of dynamic quantum circuits on a superconducting-based quantum system. Dynamic quantum circuits involve not only the evolution of the quantum state throughout the computation, but also periodic measurements of a subset of qubits mid-circuit and concurrent processing of the resulting classical information within timescales shorter than the execution times of the circuits. Using noisy quantum hardware, we explore one of the most fundamental quantum algorithms, quantum phase estimation, in its adaptive version, which exploits dynamic circuits, and compare the results to a non-adaptive implementation of the same algorithm. We demonstrate that the version of real-time quantum computing with dynamic circuits can offer a substantial and tangible advantage when noise and latency are sufficiently low in the system, opening the door to a new realm of available algorithms on real quantum systems.
Robust quantum computation requires encoding delicate quantum information into degrees of freedom that are hard for the environment to change. Quantum encodings have been demonstratedin many physical systems by observing and correcting storage errors, but applications require not just storing information; we must accurately compute even with faulty operations. The theory of fault-tolerant quantum computing illuminates a way forward by providing a foundation and collection of techniques for limiting the spread of errors. Here we implement one of the smallest quantum codes in a five-qubit superconducting transmon device and demonstrate fault-tolerant state preparation. We characterize the resulting codewords through quantum process tomography and study the free evolution of the logical observables. Our results are consistent with fault-tolerant state preparation in a protected qubit subspace.
Quantum computers can be used to address molecular structure, materials science and condensed matter physics problems, which currently stretch the limits of existing high-performancecomputing resources. Finding exact numerical solutions to these interacting fermion problems has exponential cost, while Monte Carlo methods are plagued by the fermionic sign problem. These limitations of classical computational methods have made even few-atom molecular structures problems of practical interest for medium-sized quantum computers. Yet, thus far experimental implementations have been restricted to molecules involving only Period I elements. Here, we demonstrate the experimental optimization of up to six-qubit Hamiltonian problems with over a hundred Pauli terms, determining the ground state energy for molecules of increasing size, up to BeH2. This is enabled by a hardware-efficient quantum optimizer with trial states specifically tailored to the available interactions in our quantum processor, combined with a compact encoding of fermionic Hamiltonians and a robust stochastic optimization routine. We further demonstrate the flexibility of our approach by applying the technique to a problem of quantum magnetism. Across all studied problems, we find agreement between experiment and numerical simulations with a noisy model of the device. These results help elucidate the requirements for scaling the method to larger systems, and aim at bridging the gap between problems at the forefront of high-performance computing and their implementation on quantum hardware.