Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) with in-situ tunable interactions is important for developing novel systems for quantum simulation and computing. The ability to tune the dispersiveshifts of a cavity QED system provides more functionality for performing either quantum measurements or logical manipulations. Here, we couple two transmon qubits to a lumped-element cavity through a shared dc-SQUID. Our design balances the mutual capacitive and inductive circuit components so that both qubits are highly decoupled from the cavity, offering protection from decoherence processes. We show that by parametrically driving the SQUID with an oscillating flux it is possible to independently tune the interactions between either of the qubits and the cavity dynamically. The strength and detuning of this cavity QED interaction can be fully controlled through the choice of the parametric pump frequency and amplitude. As a practical demonstration, we perform pulsed parametric dispersive readout of both qubits while statically decoupled from the cavity. The dispersive frequency shifts of the cavity mode follow the expected magnitude and sign based on simple theory that is supported by a more thorough theoretical investigation. This parametric approach creates a new tunable cavity QED framework for developing quantum information systems with various future applications, such as entanglement and error correction via multi-qubit parity readout, state and entanglement stabilization, and parametric logical gates.
The act of observing a quantum object fundamentally perturbs its state, resulting in a random walk toward an eigenstate of the measurement operator. Ideally, the measurement is responsiblefor all dephasing of the quantum state. In practice, imperfections in the measurement apparatus limit or corrupt the flow of information required for quantum feedback protocols, an effect quantified by the measurement efficiency. Here we demonstrate the efficient measurement of a superconducting qubit using a nonreciprocal parametric amplifier to directly monitor the microwave field of a readout cavity. By mitigating the losses between the cavity and the amplifier we achieve a measurement efficiency of 72%. The directionality of the amplifier protects the readout cavity and qubit from excess backaction caused by amplified vacuum fluctuations. In addition to providing tools for further improving the fidelity of strong projective measurement, this work creates a testbed for the experimental study of ideal weak measurements, and it opens the way towards quantum feedback protocols based on weak measurement such as state stabilization or error correction.
The measurement of a quantum system is often performed by encoding its state in a single observable of a light field. The measurement efficiency of this observable can be reduced byloss or excess noise on the way to the detector. Even a \textit{quantum-limited} detector that simultaneously measures a second non-commuting observable would double the output noise, therefore limiting the efficiency to 50%. At microwave frequencies, an ideal measurement efficiency can be achieved by noiselessly amplifying the information-carrying quadrature of the light field, but this has remained an experimental challenge. Indeed, while state-of-the-art Josephson-junction based parametric amplifiers can perform an ideal single-quadrature measurement, they require lossy ferrite circulators in the signal path, drastically decreasing the overall efficiency. In this paper, we present a nonreciprocal parametric amplifier that combines single-quadrature measurement and directionality without the use of strong external magnetic fields. We extract a measurement efficiency of 62+17−9% that exceeds the quantum limit and that is not limited by fundamental factors. The amplifier can be readily integrated with superconducting devices, creating a path for ideal measurements of quantum bits and mechanical oscillators.
We report on the design and implementation of a Field Programmable Josephson Amplifier (FPJA) – a compact and lossless superconducting circuit that can be programmed extit{insitu} by a set of microwave drives to perform reciprocal and nonreciprocal frequency conversion and amplification. In this work we demonstrate four modes of operation: frequency conversion (−0.5 dB transmission, −30 dB reflection), circulation (−0.5 dB transmission, −30 dB reflection, 30 dB isolation), phase-preserving amplification (gain >20 dB, 1 photon of added noise) and directional phase-preserving amplification (−10 dB reflection, 18 dB forward gain, 8 dB reverse isolation, 1 photon of added noise). The system exhibits quantitative agreement with theoretical prediction. Based on a gradiometric Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) with Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions, the FPJA is first-order insensitive to flux noise and can be operated without magnetic shielding at low temperature. Due to its flexible design and compatibility with existing superconducting fabrication techniques, the FPJA offers a straightforward route toward on-chip integration with superconducting quantum circuits such as qubits or microwave optomechanical systems.