Transferring arbitrary d-dimensional quantum states of a superconducting qudit in circuit QED

  1. Tong Liu,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. Jin-Hu Yang,
  4. Yu Zhang,
  5. Shao-Jie Xiong,
  6. Jin-Ming Liu,
  7. and Chui-Ping Yang
A qudit (d-level quantum systems) has a large Hilbert space and thus can be used to achieve many quantum information and communication tasks. Here, we propose a method to transfer arbitrary
d-dimensional quantum states (known or unknown) between two superconducting qudits coupled to a single cavity. The state transfer can be performed fast because of employing resonant interactions only. In addition, quantum states can be deterministically transferred without measurement. Numerical simulations show that high-fidelity transfer of quantum states between two superconducting transmon qudits (d≤5) is feasible with current circuit QED technology. This proposal is quite general and can be applied to accomplish the same task with various superconducting qudits, quantum dots, or natural atoms coupled to a cavity or resonator.

Efficient scheme for generation of photonic NOON states in circuit QED

  1. Shao-Jie Xiong,
  2. Tong Liu,
  3. Jin-Ming Liu,
  4. Zhe Sun,
  5. and Chui-Ping Yang
We propose an efficient scheme for generating photonic NOON states of two resonators coupled to a four-level superconducting flux device (coupler). This proposal operates essentially
by employing a technique of a coupler resonantly interacting with two resonators simultaneously. As a consequence, the NOON-state preparation requires only N+1 operational steps and thus is much faster when compared with a recent proposal [Q. P. Su et al., Scientific Reports 4, 3898 (2014)] requiring 2N steps of operation. Moreover, due to the use of only two resonators and a coupler, the experimental setup is much simplified when compared with previous proposals requiring three resonators and two superconducting qubits/qutrits.

Generating a macroscopic W-type entangled coherent state of quantum memories in circuit QED

  1. Tong Liu,
  2. Qi-Ping Su,
  3. Shao-Jie Xiong,
  4. Jin-Ming Liu,
  5. and Chui-Ping Yang
We propose a way to generate a macroscopic W-type entangled coherent state of quantum memories in circuit QED. The memories considered here are nitrogen-vacancy center ensembles (NVEs)
each located in a different cavity. This proposal does not require initially preparing each NVE in a coherent state instead of a ground state, which significantly reduces the experimental difficulty. For most of the operation time, each cavity remains in a vacuum state, thus decoherence caused by the cavity decay is greatly suppressed. Moreover, only one external-cavity coupler qubit is needed, and the operation time does not increase with the number of NVEs and cavities. The prepared W state can be stored via NVEs for a long time, mapped onto cavities, and then transferred into a quantum network via optical fibers each linked to a cavity, for potential applications in quantum communication. The method is quite general and can be applied to generate the proposed W state with atomic ensembles or other spin ensembles distributed in different cavities.