Direct Implementation of High-Fidelity Three-Qubit Gates for Superconducting Processor with Tunable Couplers

  1. Hao-Tian Liu,
  2. Bing-Jie Chen,
  3. Jia-Chi Zhang,
  4. Yong-Xi Xiao,
  5. Tian-Ming Li,
  6. Kaixuan Huang,
  7. Ziting Wang,
  8. Hao Li,
  9. Kui Zhao,
  10. Yueshan Xu,
  11. Cheng-Lin Deng,
  12. Gui-Han Liang,
  13. Zheng-He Liu,
  14. Si-Yun Zhou,
  15. Cai-Ping Fang,
  16. Xiaohui Song,
  17. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  18. Dongning Zheng,
  19. Yun-Hao Shi,
  20. Kai Xu,
  21. and Heng Fan
Three-qubit gates can be constructed using combinations of single-qubit and two-qubit gates, making their independent realization unnecessary. However, direct implementation of three-qubit
gates reduces the depth of quantum circuits, streamlines quantum programming, and facilitates efficient circuit optimization, thereby enhancing overall performance in quantum computation. In this work, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a high-fidelity scheme for implementing a three-qubit controlled-controlled-Z (CCZ) gate in a flip-chip superconducting quantum processor with tunable couplers. This direct CCZ gate is implemented by simultaneously leveraging two tunable couplers interspersed between three qubits to enable three-qubit interactions, achieving an average final state fidelity of 97.94% and a process fidelity of 93.54%. This high fidelity cannot be achieved through a simple combination of single- and two-qubit gate sequences from processors with similar performance levels. Our experiments also verify that multi-layer direct implementation of the CCZ gate exhibits lower leakage compared to decomposed gate approaches. To further showcase the versatility of our approach, we construct a Toffoli gate by combining the CCZ gate with Hadamard gates. As a showcase, we utilize the CCZ gate as an oracle to implement the Grover search algorithm on three qubits, demonstrating high performance with the target probability amplitude significantly enhanced after two iterations. These results highlight the advantage of our approach, and facilitate the implementation of complex quantum circuits.

Observation of critical phase transition in a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model on a superconducting quantum processor with tunable couplers

  1. Hao Li,
  2. Yong-Yi Wang,
  3. Yun-Hao Shi,
  4. Kaixuan Huang,
  5. Xiaohui Song,
  6. Gui-Han Liang,
  7. Zheng-Yang Mei,
  8. Bozhen Zhou,
  9. He Zhang,
  10. Jia-Chi Zhang,
  11. Shu Chen,
  12. Shiping Zhao,
  13. Ye Tian,
  14. Zhan-Ying Yang,
  15. Zhongcheng Xiang,
  16. Kai Xu,
  17. Dongning Zheng,
  18. and Heng Fan
Quantum simulation enables study of many-body systems in non-equilibrium by mapping to a controllable quantum system, providing a new tool for computational intractable problems. Here,
using a programmable quantum processor with a chain of 10 superconducting qubits interacted through tunable couplers, we simulate the one-dimensional generalized Aubry-André-Harper model for three different phases, i.e., extended, localized and critical phases. The properties of phase transitions and many-body dynamics are studied in the presence of quasi-periodic modulations for both off-diagonal hopping coefficients and on-site potentials of the model controlled respectively by adjusting strength of couplings and qubit frequencies. We observe the spin transport for initial single- and multi-excitation states in different phases, and characterize phase transitions by experimentally measuring dynamics of participation entropies. Our experimental results demonstrate that the newly developed tunable coupling architecture of superconducting processor extends greatly the simulation realms for a wide variety of Hamiltonians, and may trigger further investigations on various quantum and topological phenomena.