paths that make them more vulnerable to incoherent errors than their dynamical this http URL this work, we experimentally realize a universal short-path non-adiabatic geometric gate set (SPNGQC) with a 2-times shorter evolution path on a superconducting quantum processor. Characterizing with both quantum process tomography and randomized benchmarking methods, we report an average single-qubit gate fidelity of 99.86% and a two-qubit gate fidelity of 97.9%. Additionally, we demonstrate superior robustness of single-qubit SP-NGQC gate to Rabi frequency error in some certain parameter space by comparing their performance to those of the dynamical gates and the former NGQC gates.
Experimental Implementation of Short-Path Non-adiabatic Geometric Gates in a Superconducting Circuit
The non-adiabatic geometric quantum computation (NGQC) has attracted a lot of attention for noise-resilient quantum control. However, previous implementations of NGQC require long evolution