Electromagnetic modes are instrumental in building quantum machines. In this experiment, we introduce a method to manipulate these modes by effectively controlling their phase space.Preventing access to a single energy level, corresponding to a number of photons N, confined the dynamics of the field to levels 0 to N-1. Under a resonant drive, the level occupation was found to oscillate in time, similarly to an N-level system. Performing a direct Wigner tomography of the field revealed its nonclassical features, including a Schr\“{o}dinger cat-like state at half period in the evolution. This fine control of the field in its phase space may enable applications in quantum information and metrology.
Superconducting circuits and microwave signals are good candidates to realize quantum networks, which are the backbone of quantum computers. We have realized a universal quantum nodebased on a 3D microwave superconducting cavity parametrically coupled to a transmission line by a Josephson ring modulator. We first demonstrate the time-controlled capture, storage and retrieval of an optimally shaped propagating microwave field, with an efficiency as high as 80 %. We then demonstrate a second essential ability, which is the timed-controlled generation of an entangled state distributed between the node and a microwave channel.
Making a system state follow a prescribed trajectory despite fluctuations and
errors commonly consists in monitoring an observable (temperature,
blood-glucose level…) and reactingon its controllers (heater power, insulin
amount …). In the quantum domain, there is a change of paradigm in feedback
since measurements modify the state of the system, most dramatically when the
trajectory goes through superpositions of measurement eigenstates. Here, we
demonstrate the stabilization of an arbitrary trajectory of a superconducting
qubit by measurement based feedback. The protocol benefits from the long
coherence time ($T_2>10 mu$s) of the 3D transmon qubit, the high efficiency
(82%) of the phase preserving Josephson amplifier, and fast electronics
ensuring less than 500 ns delay. At discrete time intervals, the state of the
qubit is measured and corrected in case an error is detected. For Rabi
oscillations, where the discrete measurements occur when the qubit is supposed
to be in the measurement pointer states, we demonstrate an average fidelity of
85% to the targeted trajectory. For Ramsey oscillations, which does not go
through pointer states, the average fidelity reaches 75%. Incidentally, we
demonstrate a fast reset protocol allowing to cool a 3D transmon qubit down to
0.6% in the excited state.
Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the
first experimental realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states
of microwave light. Driven bya pump tone, a first Josephson mixer generates,
out of quantum vacuum, a pair of entangled fields at different frequencies on
separate transmission lines. A second mixer, driven by a $pi$-phase shifted
copy of the first pump tone, recombines and disentangles the two fields. The
resulting output noise level is measured to be lower than for vacuum state at
the input of the second mixer, an unambiguous proof of entanglement. Moreover,
the output noise level provides a direct, quantitative measure of entanglement,
leading here to the demonstration of 6 Mebit.s$^{-1}$ (Mega entangled bits per
second) generated by the first mixer.