Multi-mode superconducting circuits offer a promising platform for engineering robust systems for quantum computation. Previous studies have shown that single-mode devices cannot simultaneouslyexhibit resilience against multiple decoherence sources due to conflicting protection requirements. In contrast, multi-mode systems offer increased flexibility and have proven capable of overcoming these fundamental limitations. Nevertheless, exploring multi-mode architectures is computationally demanding due to the exponential scaling of the Hilbert space dimension. Here, we present a multi-mode device designed using evolutionary optimization techniques, which have been shown to be effective for this computational task. The proposed device was optimized to feature an anharmonicity of a third of the qubit frequency and reduced energy dispersion caused by charge and magnetic flux fluctuations. It exhibits improvements over the fundamental errors limiting Transmon and Fluxonium coherence and manipulation, aiming for a balance between low depolarization error and fast manipulation; furthermore demonstrating robustness against fabrication errors, a major limitation in many proposed multi-mode devices. Overall, by striking a balance between coupling matrix elements and noise protection, we propose a device that paves the way towards finding proper characteristics for the construction of superconducting quantum processors.
A key challenge in quantum computing is speeding up measurement and initialization. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a dispersive measurement method for superconducting qubits thatsimultaneously measures the qubit and returns the readout resonator to its initial state. The approach is based on universal analytical pulses and requires knowledge of the qubit and resonator parameters, but needs no direct optimization of the pulse shape, even when accounting for the nonlinearity of the system. Moreover, the method generalizes to measuring an arbitrary number of modes and states. For the qubit readout, we can drive the resonator to ∼102 photons and back to ∼10−3 photons in less than 3κ−1, while still achieving a T1-limited assignment error below 1\%. We also present universal pulse shapes and experimental results for qutrit readout.
While the on-chip processing power in circuit QED devices is growing rapidly, an open challenge is to establish high-fidelity quantum links between qubits on different chips. Here,we show entanglement between transmon qubits on different cQED chips with 49% concurrence and 73% Bell-state fidelity. We engineer a half-parity measurement by successively reflecting a coherent microwave field off two nearly-identical transmon-resonator systems. By ensuring the measured output field does not distinguish |01⟩ from |10⟩, unentangled superposition states are probabilistically projected onto entangled states in the odd-parity subspace. We use in-situ tunability and an additional weakly coupled driving field on the second resonator to overcome imperfect matching due to fabrication variations. To demonstrate the flexibility of this approach, we also produce an even-parity entangled state of similar quality, by engineering the matching of outputs for the |00⟩ and |11⟩ states. The protocol is characterized over a range of measurement strengths using quantum state tomography showing good agreement with a comprehensive theoretical model.