Single qudit realization of the Deutsch algorithm using superconducting many-level quantum circuits

  1. E.O. Kiktenko,
  2. A.K. Fedorov,
  3. A.A. Strakhov,
  4. and V.I. Man'ko
Design of a large-scale quantum computer has paramount importance for science and technologies. We investigate a scheme for realization of quantum algorithms using noncomposite quantum
systems, i.e., systems without subsystems. In this framework, n artificially allocated „subsystems“ play a role of qubits in n-qubits quantum algorithms. With focus on two-qubit quantum algorithms, we demonstrate a realization of the universal set of gates using a d=5 single qudit state. Manipulation for an ancillary level in the systems allows effective implementation of operators from U(4) group via operators from SU(5) group. Using a possible experimental realization of such systems through anharmonic superconducting many-level quantum circuits, we present a blueprint for a single qudit realization of the Deutsch algorithm, which generalizes previously studied realization based on the virtual spin representation [A.R. Kessel et al., Phys. Rev. A 66, 062322 (2002)].

Entropic inequalities for noncomposite quantum systems realized by superconducting circuits

  1. A.K. Fedorov,
  2. E.O. Kiktenko,
  3. O.V. Man'ko,
  4. and V.I. Man'ko
We study a class of entropic inequalities obtained for noncomposite quantum systems realized by a superconducting circuit with the Josephson junction. By using a mapping on a bipartite
quantum state, we discuss possible realizations of various quantum logic gates for noncomposite quantum systems. In this framework, we consider logN entropic inequalities for Shannon and R\’eniy entropies based on the quantum Fourier transform. Implementation of the quantum Fourier transform algorithm on a quantum processor based on superconducting circuits opens a way for experimental verification of these inequalities.