Circuit QED theory of direct and dual Shapiro steps with finite-size transmission line resonators

  1. Federico Borletto,
  2. Luca Giacomelli,
  3. and Cristiano Ciuti
We investigate the occurrence of direct and dual Shapiro steps for a Josephson junction coupled to a finite-size transmission line resonator. We treat both problems through a circuit
QED approach with a large, but finite number of photon modes. For the dual case, we do not assume the (approximate) charge-phase duality, but include the full multi-band dynamics for the Josephson junction. Mean-field equations within such Hamiltonian approach reproduce the result obtained through a dissipative classical equation when the number of transmission line modes is large enough. To account for quantum and thermal fluctuations, we go beyond the mean-field treatment within a truncated Wigner approach. The fluctuations are shown to modify both the direct and the dual steps. We show how the dual steps are very sensitive to these fluctuations and identify the key physical parameters for the junction and the transmission line controlling their robustness, which is essential for applications to close the quantum metrological triangle.

Theory of strong down-conversion in multi-mode cavity and circuit QED

  1. Nitish Mehta,
  2. Cristiano Ciuti,
  3. Roman Kuzmin,
  4. and Vladimir E. Manucharyan
We revisit the superstrong coupling regime of multi-mode cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), defined to occur when the frequency of vacuum Rabi oscillations between the qubit and
the nearest cavity mode exceeds the cavity’s free spectral range. A novel prediction is made that the cavity’s linear spectrum, measured in the vanishing power limit, can acquire an intricate fine structure associated with the qubit-induced cascades of coherent single-photon down-conversion processes. This many-body effect is hard to capture by a brute-force numerics and it is sensitive to the light-matter coupling parameters both in the infra-red and the ultra-violet limits. We focused at the example case of a superconducting fluxonium qubit coupled to a long transmission line section. The conversion rate in such a circuit QED setup can readily exceed a few MHz, which is plenty to overcome the usual decoherence processes. Analytical calculations were made possible by an unconventional gauge choice, in which the qubit circuit interacts with radiation via the flux/charge variable in the low-/high-frequency limits, respectively. Our prediction of the fine spectral structure lays the foundation for the „strong down-conversion“ regime in quantum optics, in which a single photon excited in a non-linear medium spontaneously down-converts faster than it is absorbed.

Is the quantum Rabi model adequate in circuit QED for any atom-resonator coupling?

  1. Vladimir E. Manucharyan,
  2. Alexandre Baksic,
  3. and Cristiano Ciuti
In circuit quantum electrodynamics, an artificial „circuit atom“ can couple to a quantized microwave radiation much stronger than its real atomic counterpart. The celebrated
quantum Rabi model describes the simplest interaction of a two-level system with a single-mode boson field. When the coupling is arbitrary large, the bare multilevel structure of a realistic circuit atom cannot be ignored even if the circuit is strongly anharmonic. We explored this situation theoretically for flux (fluxonium) and charge (Cooper pair box) type multi-level circuit atoms at maximal frustration and identified which spectral features of the quantum Rabi model survive and which are renormalized for arbitrary large coupling. We provide a quantitative comparison with the ideal quantum Rabi model by inspecting not only the circuit energy level spectrum, but also the entanglement spectrum. Despite significant renormalization of the low-energy energy spectrum in the fluxonium case, the key quantum Rabi feature — nearly-degenerate vacuum consisting of an atomic state entangled with a multi-photon field — appears in both circuits when the coupling is sufficiently large. Like in the quantum Rabi model, for very large couplings the entanglement spectrum is dominated by only two, nearly equal eigenvalues, in spite of the fact that a large number of bare atomic states are actually involved in the ground state. We interpret the emergence of the vacuum degeneracy in both circuits as an environmental suppression of flux/charge tunneling due to their dressing by virtual low-/high-impedance photons in the resonator. For flux tunneling, the dressing is nothing else than the shunting of a Josephson atom with a large capacitance of the resonator. Suppression of charge tunneling appears to have the same origin as the dynamical Coulomb blockade of transport in tunnel junctions connected to resistive leads.