Measurement-induced entanglement of two transmon qubits by a single photon

  1. Christoph Ohm,
  2. and Fabian Hassler
On-demand creation of entanglement between distant qubits is desirable for quantum communication devices but so far not available for superconducting qubits. We propose an entanglement
scheme that allows for single-shot deterministic entanglement creation by detecting a single photon passing through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with one transmon qubit in each arm. The entanglement production essentially relies on the fact that superconducting microwave structures allow to achieve strong coupling between the qubit and the photon. By detecting the photon via a photon counter, a parity measurement is implemented and the wave function of the two qubits is projected onto a maximally entangled state. Moreover, due to the indivisible nature of single photons, our scheme promises full security for entanglement-based quantum key distribution.