All-microwave and low-cost Lamb shift engineering for a fixed frequency multi-level superconducting qubit

  1. Byoung-moo Ann,
  2. and Gary A. Steele
It is known that the quantum nature of the electromagnetic vacuum is responsible for the Lamb shift, which is a crucial phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics (QED). In circuit QED,
the readout or bus resonators that are dispersively coupled can result in a significant Lamb shift, much larger than that in the original broadband cases. However, previous approaches or proposals for controlling the Lamb shift in circuit QED demand overheads in circuit designs or non-perturbative renormalization of the system’s eigenbases, which can impose formidable this http URL this work, we propose and demonstrate an efficient and cost-effective method for controlling the Lamb shift of fixed-frequency transmons. We employ the drive-induced longitudinal coupling between the transmon and resonator. By simply using an off-resonant monochromatic driving near the resonator frequency, we can regulate the Lamb shift from 32 to -30 MHz without facing the aforementioned challenges. Our work establishes an efficient way of engineering the fundamental effects of the electromagnetic vacuum and provides greater flexibility in non-parametric frequency controls of multilevel systems.

Resolving non-perturbative renormalization of a microwave-dressed weakly anharmonic superconducting qubit

  1. Byoung-moo Ann,
  2. Sercan Deve,
  3. and Gary A. Steele
Microwave driving is a ubiquitous technique for superconducting qubits (SCQs), but the dressed states description based on the conventionally used perturbation theory and rotating wave
approximation cannot fully capture the dynamics in the strong driving limit. Comprehensive experimental works beyond these approximations applicable for transmons is unfortunately rare, which receive rising interests in quantum technologies. In this work, we investigate a microwave-dressed transmon over a wide range of driving parameters. We find significant renormalization of Rabi frequencies, energy relaxation times, and the coupling rates with a readout resonator, all of which are not quantified without breaking the conventional approximations. We also establish a concise non-Floquet theory beyond the two-state model while dramatically minimizing the approximations, which excellently quantifies the experiments. This work expands our fundamental understanding of time-periodically driven systems and will have an important role in accurately estimating the dynamics of weakly anharmonic qubits. Furthermore, our non-Floquet approach is beneficial for theoretical analysis since one can avoid additional efforts such as the choice of proper Floquet modes, which is more complicated for multi-level systems.

Sideband transitions in a two-mode Josephson circuit driven beyond the rotating wave approximation

  1. Byoung-moo Ann,
  2. Wouter Kessels,
  3. and Gary A. Steele
Driving quantum systems periodically in time plays an essential role in the coherent control of quantum states. A good approximation for weak and nearly resonance driving fields, experiments
often require large detuning and strong driving fields, for which the RWA may not hold. In this work, we experimentally, numerically, and analytically explore strongly driven two-mode Josephson circuits in the regime of strong driving and large detuning. Specifically, we investigate beam-splitter and two-mode squeezing interaction between the two modes induced by driving two-photon sideband transition. Using numerical simulations, we observe that the RWA is unable to correctly capture the amplitude of the sideband transition rates, which we verify using an analytical model based on perturbative corrections. Interestingly, we find that the breakdown of the RWA in the regime studied does not lead to qualitatively different dynamics, but gives the same results as the RWA theory at higher drive strengths, enhancing the coupling rates compared to what one would predict. Our work provides insight into the behavior of time-periodically driven systems beyond the RWA, and provides a robust theoretical framework for including these in the calculation and calibration of quantum protocols in circuit quantum electrodynamics.

Superconducting resonator single-photon spectroscopy through electromagnetically induced transparency

  1. Byoung-moo Ann,
  2. and Gary A. Steele
Investigation of intrinsic loss mechanism of superconducting resonator is a crucial task toward the study of the constituent material as well as application in quantum information process.
Typical approach from transmission or reflection spectrum is however subjected to Fano-effect, which can induce systematic errors in discerning intrinsic and external losses. To avoid such requires under-coupled resonator and consequently sets a challenge when a large quality factor is expected and measurements at single-photon power levels is required. In this work, we propose and demonstrate a new approach with additional qubit coupled dispersively. Inducing electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in qubit spectrum, we can extract the resonator’s single-photon internal linewidth. Our work demonstrates a practical application of EIT for device spectroscopy.