Intrinsic mechanisms for drive-dependent Purcell decay in superconducting quantum circuits

  1. Ryo Hanai,
  2. Alexander McDonald,
  3. and Aashish Clerk
We develop a new approach to understanding intrinsic mechanisms that cause the T1-decay rate of a multi-level superconducting qubit to depend on the photonic population of a coupled,
detuned cavity. Our method yields simple analytic expressions for both the coherently driven or thermally excited cases which are in good agreement with full master equation numerics, and also facilitates direct physical intuition. It also predicts several new phenomena. In particular, we find that in a wide range of settings, the cavity-qubit detuning controls whether a non-zero photonic population increases or decreases qubit Purcell decay. Our method combines insights from a Keldysh treatment of the system, and Lindblad perturbation theory.