Analytical comparison of the first- and second-order resonances for implementation of the dynamical Casimir effect in nonstationary circuit QED

  1. E.L.S. Silva,
  2. and A. V. Dodonov
We investigate analytically and numerically the nonstationary circuit QED setup in which N independent qubits interact with a single mode of the Electromagnetic field confined in a
resonator. We consider the harmonic time modulation of some parameter (atomic transition frequency or the atom-field coupling strength) and derive the unitary dynamics up to the second order in the modulation depth for N=1 and N≫1. It is shown that all the resonant phenomena that occur for modulation frequencies ∼2ω0 (where ω0 is the cavity frequency) also occur for the halved frequencies. However, in the latter case the associated transition rates are significantly smaller and the modulation of the coupling strength is less effective. The transition rates are evaluated explicitly and the prospects of employing the second-order resonances in the phenomena related to the dynamical Casimir effect are examined.

Prospects for observing dynamical and anti- dynamical Casimir effects in circuit QED due to fast modulation of qubit parameters

  1. D. S. Veloso,
  2. and A. V. Dodonov
We consider the nonstationary circuit QED architecture, where a single artificial two-level atom interacts with a cavity field mode under external modulation of one or more system parameters.
Two different approaches are employed to study the effects of Markovian dissipation on modulation-induced transitions between the atom-field dressed states: the standard master equation of Quantum Optics and the recently formulated dressed-picture master equation. We estimate the associated transition rates and show that photon generation from vacuum („dynamical Casimir effect“, DCE) and coherent photon annihilation from nonvacuum states („Anti-DCE“) are possible with the current state-of-the-art parameters.