Tuning superinductors by quantum coherence effects for enhancing quantum computing

  1. Bo Fan,
  2. Abhisek Samanta,
  3. and Antonio M. García-García
Research on spatially inhomogeneous weakly-coupled superconductors has recently received a boost of interest because of the experimental observation of a dramatic enhancement of the kinetic inductance with relatively low losses. Here, we study the kinetic inductance and the quality factor of a strongly-disordered weakly-coupled superconducting thin film. We employ a gauge-invariant random-phase approximation capable of describing collective excitations and other fluctuations. In line with the experimental findings, in the range of frequencies of interest, we have found that an exponential increase of the kinetic inductance with disorder coexists with a still large quality factor ∼105. More interestingly, on the metallic side of the superconductor-insulator transition, we have identified a range of frequencies and temperatures, well below the critical one, where quantum coherence effects induce a broad statistical distribution of the quality factor with an average value that increases with disorder. We expect these findings to further stimulate experimental research on the design and optimization of superinductors for a better performance and miniaturization of quantum devices such as qubits circuits and microwave detectors.

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