Topological quantum fluctuations and travelling wave amplifiers

  1. Vittorio Peano,
  2. Martin Houde,
  3. Florian Marquardt,
  4. and Aashish A. Clerk
It is now well-established that photonic systems can exhibit topological energy bands; similar to their electronic counterparts, this leads to the formation of chiral edge modes which can be used to transmit light in a manner that is protected against back-scattering. Most topological photonic states are completely analogous to their electronic counterpart, as they are based on single-particle physics: the topological invariants and edge states are identical in both the bosonic and fermionic case. Here, we describe a new kind of topological photonic state which has no electronic analogue. In our system, a non-zero topological invariant guarantees the presence of a parametrically-unstable chiral edge mode in a system with boundaries, even though there are no bulk-mode instabilities. We show that by stabilizing these unstable edge modes via coupling waveguides, one realizes a topologically protected, quantum-limited travelling-wave parametric amplifier. The device is protected against both internal losses and back-scattering; the latter feature is in stark contrast to standard travelling wave amplifiers. We show that the unstable edge mode also naturally serves as a topologically-protected source for non-classical squeezed light.

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