Remote Entangling Gates for Spin Qubits in Quantum Dots using an Offset-Charge-Sensitive Transmon Coupler

  1. Harry Hanlim Kang,
  2. Ilan T. Rosen,
  3. Max Hays,
  4. Jeffrey A. Grover,
  5. and William D. Oliver
We propose a method to realize microwave-activated CZ gates between two remote spin qubits in quantum dots using an offset-charge-sensitive transmon coupler. The qubits are longitudinally coupled to the coupler, so that the transition frequency of the coupler depends on the logical qubit states; a capacitive network model using first-quantized charge operators is developed to illustrate this. Driving the coupler transition then implements a conditional phase shift on the qubits. Two pulsing schemes are investigated: a rapid, off-resonant pulse with constant amplitude, and a pulse with envelope engineering that incorporates dynamical decoupling to mitigate charge noise. We develop non-Markovian time-domain simulations to accurately model gate performance in the presence of 1/fβ charge noise. Simulation results indicate that a CZ gate fidelity exceeding 90% is possible with realistic parameters and noise models.

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