Proposal for generating complex microwave graph states using superconducting circuits

  1. Chenxu Liu,
  2. Edwin Barnes,
  3. and Sophia Economou
Microwave photonic graph states provide a promising approach for robust quantum communication between remote superconducting chips using microwave photons. Recently, Besse et al. [Nat. Commun. 11, 4887 (2020)] demonstrated that 1D graph states can be generated using two transmon qubits. In this paper, we propose to use transmon qubits combined with other microwave devices to construct more complex graph states. Specifically, we consider 2D lattice and tree-like graph states. We compare the performance using fixed- versus tunable-frequency transmon qubits and also for different photonic qubit encodings. In each case, we estimate the fidelity of the resulting microwave graph state assuming current experimental parameters and identify the main factors that limit performance.

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