Parametric four-wave mixing toolbox for superconducting resonators

  1. A. V. Sharypov,
  2. Xiuhao Deng,
  3. and Lin Tian
We study a superconducting circuit that can act as a toolbox to generate various Bogoliubov-linear and nonlinear quantum operations on the microwave photon modes of superconducting resonators within one single circuit. The quantum operations are generated by exploring dispersive four-wave mixing (FWM) processes involving the resonator modes. Different FWM geometries can be realized by adjusting the circuit parameters and by applying appropriate microwave drivings. We illustrate this scheme using a circuit made of two superconducting qubits that couple with each other. Each qubit couples with one superconducting resonator. We also discuss main quantum errors in this scheme and study the fidelity of the quantum operations by numerical simulation. Our scheme provides a practical approach to realize quantum information protocols on superconducting resonators.

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