Nonreciprocal and reconfigurable microwave transmission using dissipative optomechanical pathways

  1. N. R. Bernier,
  2. L. D. Tóth,
  3. A. Koottandavida,
  4. A. Nunnenkamp,
  5. A. K. Feofanov,
  6. and T. J. Kippenberg
Devices that achieve nonreciprocal microwave transmission are ubiquitous in radar and radio-frequency communication systems, and commonly rely on magnetically biased ferrite materials. Such devices are also indispensable in the readout chains of superconducting quantum circuits as they protect sensitive quantum systems from the noise emitted by readout electronics. Since ferrite-based nonreciprocal devices are bulky, lossy, and re- quire large magnetic fields, there has been significant interest in magnetic-field-free on-chip alternatives, such as those recently implemented using Josephson junctions. Here we realize reconfigurable nonreciprocal transmission between two microwave modes using purely optomechanical interactions in a superconducting electromechanical circuit. The scheme relies on purposely breaking the symmetry between two mechanically-mediated dissipative coupling pathways. This enables reconfigurable nonreciprocal isolation on-chip without any external magnetic field, rendering it fully compatible with superconducting quantum circuits. All-optomechanically- mediated nonreciprocity demonstrated here can be extended to implement other types of devices such as directional amplifiers and circulators, and it forms the basis towards realizing topological states of light and sound.

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